Check out Kim's post yesterday-we should all make our lives better by limiting the worrying, being satisfied with what we have, and doing those little things that make others lives a bit better. Isn't that what our role in life should be rather than the pursuit of more and more stuff and money? Doing for others is a simple pleasure-but I need to be careful to not get sanctimonious, thinking I am doing something special by being decent. Ego is not what I should be fulfilling by doing kind things, by being kind. A lot of blabber from me, so sorry, and thanks for thinking with me. For now, I'll resume my think on sharing the simple pleasures from the last week and hope you will as well.
- I took a vacation day last Thursday. While I had a meeting right away in the morning, by 8:30 I logged out, and spent the day doing writing, reading, eating, walking, and nothing that required me to talk to coworkers via Microsoft Teams or sit at my desk! I still have more vacation hours than I can possible fit in before June 30th, when I have to be at or below 275 as anything over does not carry forward into next fiscal year, but work did not fall apart with me taking this random day, so I'm going to try and fit more in before summer, plus a week and a day when DD2 is hoe the end of March/first week of April
- My friend V's crab apple jelly. It is so flavorful and I have been eating it on bagels with cream cheese or toast with peanut butter. (I know this is sort of repeat of my list of 20, but this was a new flavor of jelly for me. I've made apple, but not crab apple, which is different.)
- I successfully used the online library order, and am scheduled for a 6:10 curbside pick-up later today of five of my 7 books, including the book club book. What a treasure the library is.
- We thoroughly enjoyed our daughters live streamed concert. She was in a good spot that we could actually see her, and despite them all in masks and separated by about three feet, the sound was beautiful.
- The surplus freezer assets. I had lunch leftovers in the last week of a bowl of bean soup and bean and cheese enchiladas, and today will be a portion of either the odd concoction from last weekend or the last of the turkey noodle soup from after Thanksgiving. Last night's supper was originally supposed to bean soup with sandwiches, but the container was corn chowder-surprise! I'm picking up freezer tape to mark things, but then I'd lose the surprise.
- Dill pickles I forgot I had, found in the pantry to eat with last nights tuna sandwich. I love pickles with sandwiches.
- Kids building a snowman in the park yesterday. We've had several dustings, and yesterday was a bit more than a dusting but with the warm weather, the snow was sticky and perfect for making balls and stacking them on top of each other. Pup was very curious as to what they were doing. There have not been enough snowmen this year.
- I'll repeat yesterday's post-but getting outside for long walks in great spaces was a simple pleasure this weekend on both days.
- On my walk Sunday, I passed two different community pantry boxes both with items available for anyone in need. People being hungry is not OK, but it is nice to see the ways people help others. While February was not a great month for us income wise, we are due for another food shelf donation and having met my self imposed H&G challenge, I can divert funds from that budget category.
- The warmth of the sun, even when it is not particularly sunny. This was my car yesterday at 8:30 and then again at 2:30, without my dusting the snow off. Spring sun, and I know we are not there yet, is glorious and I can't wait for more.

Haven't we all pulled something out of the freezer and gotten "the surprise"! My mom once served frozen chicken pie and fries to my brother and when he was half-way through (???) he realized it was apple pie!
ReplyDeleteI think I'd like apple pie for a suprise supper!
DeleteNot worry, per se, but aggravation at things which impact me greatly, but over which I have no control. For instance, our certification of water availability...between DH and the county official, I'm at a standstill. DH isn't the most pro-active, and I think this woman forgets easily. Also, when DH sent a photo of a necessary document, he typed in her name incorrectly, causing a further delay. That's just ONE instance of things impacting me which are out of my control. I need to just BREATHE. Also, I did something very unlike me--the high school sent out a very long newsletter about increased, optional in-person support. Among the information were at least 5 spelling errors which could NOT be attributed to typos, including pluralizing with apostrophes. I was so disgusted that I sent the superintendent an email informing her that it generally wasn't necessary to pluralize with apostrophes. I also wrote words to the effect of "For your information, 'gator' is the truncated form of the word 'alligator.' 'Gaiter' refers to the scarf used as a mask." I understand they are doing their best in difficult circumstances, but I also believe that the public information officer for the school district should understand that spelling counts.
ReplyDeleteIn the work setting I have triple checks and if it is going public 4th, as with my arthritis and visual issues with computer screens, I misspell and am the queen of typos and you all know! I lose patience in 2021 people who claim complete ignorance for technology. At least try and learn!
DeleteI like your list of ten positive things, Sam. That is a good way to look at things positively.
ReplyDeleteThe list should be twice that as I have it pretty good in life.
DeleteI was interested in your comments about doing things for others. Right at the start of the pandemic I realised that I was going to have to depend on others even more than usual and I wanted to put something back into "the common pot of goodwill" for want of a better term. It wasn't about paying people back - I would find that idea offensive if I helped someone - but rather paying forward. So, while others shopped for me and did little jobs that I can't manage, I've been able to phone people who are lonely and not used to being on their own, and I've knitted quite a bit for charity. It's not a case of feeding my ego: it's more about acknowledging the kindness of others by paying it forward.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt you do things for others just because it's the norm. I think most people are like that, but I do like your phrase of paying it forward-perhaps that is what I am saying I need to do more of.
DeleteWalking has been my particular simple pleasure during lockdown. While I live in a city of 3million people we are blessed with a LOT of greenspace, two major rivers and Lake Ontario! I live next to one of those rivers and I'm only a 10 minute drive from the lake so I have discovered a lot of new walking trails. I have been rewarded by seeing all sorts of bird life and on more than occasion I have spotted some of the herd of white tail deer that live in the ravine behind my apt. building - it has been amazing and I am looking forward to more and more bird watching as they arrive back in the Spring.
ReplyDeleteWildlife in unexpected places sure is a simple pleasure. I really enjoy vloggers doing walking tours in their home areas, and fining little spots of gems.
DeleteI've been journaling daily with things I'm grateful for, and it's such a help. Right now, the beautiful weather we're experiencing, lemon ginger tea in the mornings, fresh citrus fruits from local neighbors, the view from my WFH desk, & hearing Sam excitedly talk about animals yesterday. He wants to be a marine biologist and get so animated when he talks about things he's interested in. And, for a teen, those things are few & far between. Otherwise, he's "too cool". :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm not laughing at Sam, but I am smiling hearing of his future goals. I know dozens of people that wanted to be Marine biologists in their teens. I don't know a single marine biologist now. Let him get excited, just like I am encouraging my daughters friend M, who is exploring the possibility.
DeleteI find pleasure in a sky like today, deep blue and not a cloud to be seen in the whole 360 view. Clouds don't spoil the pleasure. But, a cloudless day is rare. We could see the moon, too. I found Tommy had stopped at the end of the ramp and was staring at a patch of ground. I asked him what he was looking at. He said he thought the flowers--blue, purple, and yellow--were really pretty. He said, "I know they are weeds." I found pleasure in his pleasure. I am not really into forcing the realization of happy moments and writing them down. I just experience them. Today, I stopped on the sidewalk and talked to a man about his electric cart. He seemed happy to talk and I was happy, too. I think that counts as a happy moment.
ReplyDeleteWell I experience the at the time-this is my post recap to keep me motivated, and remember that life even in these uncertain times, is good. Remember I had a pretty major life shift-two really, with becoming an empty nester and then shifting my entire life to sty at home.
DeleteI wish I could see your daughters concert. Our eldest sang for 7 years with the U of I choir. She was a soloist many times. It was like having a rock star for a daughter during those large concerts. I miss it.
ReplyDeleteWith her being at a small school I just don't feel comfortable sharing links and such on the blog. As about 1/2 the choir is on music scholarships, and of those, 1/2 are music majors, I doubt she'll be doing solos as she did in highschool, but she is also in an acapella group and I am looking forward to hearing that. My daughter will need to change colleges for grad school or law school but it would be nice if she can keep finding music groups to participate.
DeleteI cannot imagine a pleasure better than finding pickles you thought were not there.
ReplyDeleteWith a good tuna sandwich-so yum!
DeleteI am glad you found so many things that gave you pleasure. I know you are tired of it but your snow is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI had a surprise meal this week. For the pantry challenge I had planned on serving spaghetti sauce from the freezer over penne noodles. Turns out I had taken goulash out instead. Oh well.
I'll share some freezer tape with you. I think I might have a few other mis-intended foods in there as well.