Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Halfway Through 2015
June 30, 2015 and at midnight we are halfway through the year that marks the halfway part of the decade. I want to slow the world down a bit, even just for the day, and do a good long think about life. Woah there Sam-no one wants to read that. I won't put my ponder down in words, but will throw out a few questions worming through my mind. Have you done anything to improve your health? Are you spending more time with people you love? Are you doing enough to stimulate your brain? What have you done to make the world a better place? These are simple enough questions. If I don't like the answer, I've another six months to work on a new response. Care to ponder with me?
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Always good to live a thoughtful life. My big goal for this year was to get a paid job, and I have achieved that, so any other positive developments will be a bonus. It means I have less time for my family, actually, but I figure that after 9 years of being home full time, I am owed the opportunity to do something for myself! xxx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the job. It is always a balance, but with your kids older now, they can have more responsibilities, giving them skills, and off setting some of the time you would have spent. A good exchange for family time.
DeleteGoodness me, that's flown by! No plans whatsoever for me, I shall remain as carefree and slacker-like as long as it is humanely possible! x
ReplyDeleteHardly, Vix. I love the carefree part-keep on with that, but I read your blog and you are no slacker! I hope Glastonbury was a grand time. Someday I will be there.