This was my commute yesterday.
It felt like this.
On good days, this is the traffic flow. There is nothing more exciting to a road warrior commuter than the color green.
It is Friday and summer in Minnesota. The morning commute will be-should be fairly good because of all the three day weekenders that are part of the Minnesota mix each Friday. The commute home on the other hand, will probably still be a mess as these same people, or the ones that didn't take the day off, head North, South, East, and West towards cabins and resorts, and boat launches. Road construction is particularly awful this year, with many major highways and freeways with one or more lanes shut down. I won't be part of that today. I am working remotely from home. I'll blissfully put in my 8 working hours from the comfort of my home, and fit in a few loads of laundry, dinner prep, and perhaps a little baking. I'll wrap up sometime after 5:00, close the computer, and my commute will be done.
We avoid most of the cabin traffic as well. We live close to our family lake place, just about an hour, and as it gets to be a long weekend for me, we usually just go up either Saturday night after DH is home, or early Sunday for the day. Occasionally we have a sticky traffic spot on Sunday night, but can by pass the interstate with a slightly longer, but more scenic route going through small towns. When it is our week at the extra cabin, we'll spend more time, but then it is just my family and DH's mom. I enjoy her company when it is not so overwhelming with the extended family.
This weekend is our towns annual summer celebration days. I only partake in small doses, so will perhaps go listen to the live music and eat some treats while DD#2 and friends wander the carnival tonight. There will be a huge craft show, which I like to attend for ideas and browsing, and more treats, but no buying as we are trying to declutter-not add more kitsch. I'll do that tomorrow morning. There is an Amish family that sets up a huge over a fire kettle to make truly delicious kettle corn each year at the craft fair. It is a once a year treat for me. I only like their kettle corn. We may or may not do the fireworks Saturday night, though there is a good walking path over the Mississippi bridge and I think I would enjoy an evening walk with fireworks overhead. Pup would need to stay behind-the 4th of July was too much for his ears. Traffic though will be a stop in at our small town and getting from point A to B will be a challenge. I like that I don't have to go anywhere if I don't want to, but the options are there should we choose. Traffic, an inevitable part of my life. What's up this weekend in your part of the world?
YUCK!!!! Telecommuting is awesome... is it not? However my job has been so busy lately (from home) that I rarely get a chance to visit you guys or even use the bathroom....
ReplyDeleteAs we are still in the throws of a July launch, delays and new decisions, I've been building and testing systems, and will probably end up just working the hours I saved in the car. Telecommuting is good for employers as well. Even with my little breaks during the day, I'm having fewer interruptions of less time than if I was in office. take those bathroom breaks though-I have to as I end up drinking even more at home.