Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Positively Tuesday- Just Dealing With It

      There's always someone who has it harder than  I do. I try and remember that. And at the same time, sometimes we are dealing with things that seem like there will never be resolution; we'll never see light at the end of the tunnel. There's people in my life that are in that place right now. Telling them to just deal with it and remember someone else is worse off is not helpful at all. If that's you too right now, you have my support. Life can be very challenging, but I hope you can still find the joys, the simple pleasures, or something to make you smile every day. Here's my week.

  1. Had fun Tuesday night trying trivia at a different place.
  2. Giving myself a four day weekend was definitely needed. I might pay for it this week in long days, but I earned this time. I've decided unless I really have no choice, I'm not giving up my flex Fridays. I know, I've said it before.

  3. My daughter and I splurged on our trek Friday on these little tiny cones from Trader Joe's. They are super cute, tasty, and while a budget splurge, to our surprise there were 12, not just six in the box. It's truly the little things in life!
  4. I had a headache on Saturday but DH and my daughter went to a movie and then for coffee and hot chocolate. It made me happy that they could have a little one to one time. 
  5. I watched a completely mindless movie Saturday night, Two Week Notice, but it was a bit amusing and recovering from a headache, I didn't have to think at all or pay attention to dialogue.
  6. I dabbled on a personal project on Sunday. Despite the bad weather, my headache, and just a bit malaise, I accomplished a couple things to set up May more positively.
  7. Had movie and Vikings draft pick chat with my son. I couldn't get him to commit to dates in summer, so likely it will be somewhat impromptu based on his work schedule
  8. Got a pop up memory that an old friend/ former colleague is three years post kidney transplant. She's doing so well.
  9. Listened to several interesting stories in public radio in a long drive.
  10. My daughter is home from school for the summer... and story below.
     I got a call from my daughter that she learned several friends she hung out with on Thursday night tested positive for Covid. She had a negative test. Later that night she started feeling like a cold was coming on, waking up Sunday to full on symptoms and fever. Fortunately she could isolate in her room and sleep- no shared bathroom either as her bedroom roommate was gone. She felt much better Monday ( seems like this round is a 24-36 hour peak). 

     She got no packing done though and move out was yesterday. I ended up making the drive to help her, pack, took much of her stuff home, got the rest in her car, and made sure she was well enough to drive home. I heard her cough a bit. She'll now isolate away from us and we'll wear masks in our house the rest of the week. I'm grateful not more sick and she should be in the clear before her trip on the 13th. So much for a relaxing Monday, but it worked out since I had planned ahead, just in case she needed help. Life, right?


  1. OH I hope DD2 is recovering well. Once she can stay in her room and come out only to use the washroom (and clean it well once done) I think ya'll will be ok. I love finding 12 cones instead of 6! Hope you guys continue to stay safe.

    1. We've got disinfecting wipes and Lysol at the ready! The cone count was a funny surprise.

  2. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery. Take care!

  3. I hope your daughter gets better soon! xxx

    1. Thank you. She's on the mend, but bored.

  4. Hope DD2 feels better soon, and that you don't get another dose of it. I agree that knowing that there are others in a worse situation doesn't negate a person's pain/ trauma/ suffering, and if impressed upon them, can make matters worse.

    1. I'm being careful, but who knows! I think people just need to be more compassionate in general and stop minimizing each other's needs. I'd rather be ignored than someone placating me by telling me things could be worse.

  5. You are such a good mommy. Just what I would have done.

    1. Of course we'll be there when needed. She was feeling bad about it, but I assured her this is what I wanted too. I'd have worried about her all day.

  6. Seems like it takes a few days for tests to register Covid, so I hope your daughter is on the road to recovery!

    1. It seems so. I'll test on Friday as Monday was the day I probably had the most direct contact with her, which will be four days. We have enough space to really stay apart in the house.

  7. Oh man, wishing your daughter all the best, and that all the rest of you stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thank you. I'm sure she'll bounce back, and hopefully out of the best now.

  8. I hope your daughter recovers quickly. It's good you were able to go help her with the move home. Yes, being told there are others worse off is not helpful at all. Just as bad is being told to get over it. I was basically told recently to get over my sister's death by a long time friend. No, it didn't help. Those in your life who are in a difficult place have my sympathy. Best, Celie

    1. That's just so mean to not give space and time to grieve. My daughter is getting bored so good indicator she's feeling better


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