Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday Free for All- Still So Much Mind Stuff

      We got through one major milestone in my family this week. There's still so much "life" stuff circling around then lodging in my brain though. Health issues, mental and physical, relationship challenges, work stress and uncertainty all swirl and I feel sometimes like finding a remote island and living on coconuts, sleeping in a hammock. The economy, big E and little, political fighting, things that truly feel out of my control compound my mind clutter. But, this blogging space is a terrific release, and you're all appreciated.  Here's my Friday ramble. 


     I've tried to be extra friendly when outside. Pup hates crying and one of the littles next door was having a mad crying fit on the ground. I asked her what was wrong and told her pup wanted to make her better. She smiled and stopped crying. I hadn't seen the mom sitting on their front step, the one I had to talk with about the flying wood. She sheepishly said, she's fine, just wanted what her sister had.  Then in a frustrated mom tone, said the "joys of four kids wanting the same thing." I smiled and said, "Oh, I get it and remember those days well." By then little girl was fine, all smiles and playing. We waved goodbye, with both mom and child waving back. 

     As I was leaving to go over to my daughter's Wednesday, a ball on the end of the road rolled out in the road. I waited to see if the kids would run after, but they were supervised to wait. I waved an appreciation wave as I went by, and got a sort of wave back. I guess I'm not really the neighborhood ogre. 

Appointments Upon Appointments

     All of us have so many upcoming appointments. Some I'm fitting into my week off the end of the month and others are being squeezed into the work day, right before, or right after. I mentioned DD1 had to get her windshield replaced, but she then got her oil changed as well. Boy has that gone up in price, both labor and supplies likely are impacts. Her car already has a pricier oil type, not that I'd know the difference, but apparently it helps longevity. Her car is an extension of her office and studio so she needs it in top form all the time. DS is the same in CA.

     Her other appointments have to do with changing address and documents. DD2 has doctor and dentist and school appointments. DH is dealing with cabin stuff, and yet more appointments. Of course prior to the appointments is the scheduling of them. Whew, that can be a job not for the weary. Life admin can seem like a part time if not full time,  job. I try and stack when time allows. Running one here and there are a pain, but it's not always doable to be gone longer than 20-30 minutes.  How do you juggle personal appointments while managing every other aspect of life?

This and That 

     I'm heading over to my daughter's to both snoop on her progress, but actually help.  Moving is an odd process. You need things moved into right places, and try to clean as you go, but then a big clean is needed at the end. Even if the previous occupants leave it immaculate (not the case here- not a disaster, but not move in clean), just bringing stuff in creates a need to clean. Her sister is dog sitting for her besties family/one of the mom's. I'll bring pup to meet her for a walk tonight, tomorrow, and maybe Sunday. But, their girl is a high strung two year old and not a cranky old man dog. It might not work so well. Lastly, a nephew and a several great nieces are heading for college this weekend. I've seen this meme a lot. Hang in there mom's!  ( For you JoAnn 💓)

Please join in on your Friday thoughts. 



  1. I haven’t moved in over twenty years, but I can remember it and the cleanup well. You want everything to be just so and want to clean everything. It’s good of you to help your daughter with her move. 😊

    1. She was a powerhouse though and did most, after the large stuff, herself.

  2. I have found that the process of making appointments these days is exhausting. I have complained about it before on my blog. When I have appointments to make and I have to get a call back, I am beyond frustrated since I have other appointments to make also but want this really important one settled first. The technology to make things easier certainly does not work well for the patient.

    1. The process is very complicated, ableist, and classist. Not everybody has internet access, nor is technically savvy. Also, it is not uncommon for, particularly elderly patients, to forget passwords. I really see red when I realize that me going online to do something is so the corporation (and that's what health care is) can save money by paying an employee to do the same thing. I resent spending my time the way the company wants me to when I don't work for the company, (bank, power company, internet provider, appliance repair, doctor's office, school district) rather, the reverse is true.

    2. Yes, agree totally. Resetting passwords a gazillion times. I feel fairly savy and I get frustrated.

  3. Oh, color me envious. I feel like I'm still at the first picture with my brood. Seriously, they need a comic with a mother lodging a boot up a kid's @ss, and you'd have how I feel. A dear friend tells me it's due to DH's health/age, and that my kids will get "there." On the other hand, I left home for college, and hardly looked back. Surely, though, there's a balance? HAPPY FRIDA.

    1. I think my kids were pretty balanced, though the girls came back home each summer. My son? Pretty much was home for Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving and Easter.

  4. I try to have as few commitments as possible and spread the ones I do have out so not to have too many at once. I also know myself well enough that if I do have to do something like dentist, do it on Mondays or I will want to cancel. lol

    1. Ugh, dentist. Id love to get more done same day but things don't line up.

  5. Love the cartoon, I felt that way about my youngest leaving, although my oldest leaving was a big stress on my life as she did so much for me. I hate appointments that screw up your day and life and we all have too many of them.

    1. You know I had a hard time with my youngest. I guess Covid was my reward, sadly, and got her home early and longer breaks both years.

  6. For mental health sake I tell my patients to schedule a week of no doctor appointments. This does a lot of good.

    1. Fortunately I have most weeks with no doctor, but there's other nibbling time sucks.

  7. I'm guessing your daughter's car uses synthetic oil. My husband just got his changed (plus a new cabin air filter, which yes, he really did need) and it was $175!

    1. She shocked me when she said it was $70.

    2. $45 feels high too. Do you also have to use synthetic? Now, I guess DH takes care of this so maybe we are paying more than I thought.

    3. Synthetic oil is much better for your engine. It lasts longer, makes your engine/car run better (reduces engine wear) and holds up against temperature changes, which living in Minnesota is a good thing. What I'm trying to say, is it virtually pays for itself in the long run. There is about a $30 difference in price between conventional oil and synthetic. Ranee

  8. My mantra for many years, after moving into a town house in 1990, was and had been, "I'm never moving again." But then 26 years later, moved 50 plus miles to my home town. (you accrue a lot of stuff in 26 years) Packing and moving my dad out, and us in, as we had bought his house. (which included the cleaning part, as well) Now, having done this, I'm back to my old mantra. Moving is hard work. No denying that. I am happy for your daughter. She seems to have done some very smart planning and I hope it's everything she hoped for, once she gets settled in. Ranee

    1. And here I think of my daughter as a minimalist. I'm not so I can't even think about how stressful out move will be in the future. She's already making it homey.

  9. I'm all emotional that we are somehow in the home stretch of our school years. Sam has one year left of orientation days, and then... college? I've done my last camp pickup & drop offs, after 13 years of juggling my schedule in the middle of busy work days to accommodate odd camp hours. Both boys have appointments at the DMV in the next month or so: one for a permit, one for a driving test.

    Work has been just the pits. It's so awful & stressful & challenging. I think this is the kick in the pants I need. I'm trying to stay calm, work out, remember that work isn't my life, and enjoy my family. There are days when that's much easier said than done.

    1. Your boys are growing up so fast. I feel I've watched in words their growth. I hope you soon can move your work plan ahead.

  10. Oh I’ve seen that cartoon and shared it with friends too! Move in day went pretty smoothly and I only cried a little here and there. I did better than I thought I would. Her dorm is adorable, she gets along with her roommate, the campus is so nice, tons of fun stuff planned for them this weekend. We’ve texted off and on and I think we’ll FaceTime tomorrow. I’m lying to myself and thinking she’s just on vacation and if that’s what it takes to get me through this, then so be it. Senior year went quickly, summer was a blur, I’m sure freshman year will be done in a flash.

    Work is a total disaster, like always. My Assistant store manager put her two weeks in on Tuesday. That leaves me and a part time manager. Four associates are going to college, some far away, some will have occasional availability. We have hired a new store manager but of course she can’t start until after Labor Day. There’s no doubt we need to hire someone but I’ve been down this road before and quite frankly she needs to earn my trust and respect. I also partnered with my DM to let him know I want the ASM job, if the pay is there. I have a virtual meeting with him on Monday. It’s definitely a season of change! I can’t remember if I said congratulations to your daughter on buying her house but if I did, then I’ll say it again ;) JoAnn

    1. Good luck on the job- and terms. Pay is one piece so don't let them mistreat your hours too. I loved seeing the IG story.

  11. Life admin is a pretty good name for it isn't it. And you're right, it can be a real pain!

    1. I guess the alternative is we're in the care of someone else doing this. Not any better for sure.


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