Friday, January 5, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-Rereading Blog Post Editions

I was a bit of a whiny wreck last spring. I was bored with my job, feeling under valued, like I made bad choices. I was unhappy with my weight, unhappy with my clutter-mind and home. What a pill! Thanks for sticking with me. No more of that in 2018. If I want to get healthier, it is up to me. If I want a cleaner, more organized, home of respite, that too is down to me. For bloggers that share a lot of their personal life, including the bad and boring, looking back can be sobering. I have a couple bloggers I read, and it would be interesting to know if they ever read past posts, reflect on what was going on, and try to see if they have made progress. Some, and perhaps it is for dramatic emphasis, continue to just perpetuate a revolving door of self induced drama. I still read-like a train wreck or roadside accident that I can't look away from. No one has asked my opinion, so I do not give it. I comment from time to time, but for the most part try to share encouragement to get past their most recent woe or help celebrate if the post might be positive. I can't help wonder why people writing about getting out of debt, feel buying an expensive doo dad is "owed to them", or why someone who obviously has disdain for someone not a relative, willingly and regularly puts themselves in said persons company. Airing dirty laundry in your blog, but doing the same darn things, won't make it any cleaner.

I'm going to try in 2018 to be a glass half full kind of gal. I don't want to turn this blog into a load of crap, but I think it is possible to share difficult times, but do so in a way that is forward thinking and solution orientated. Sometimes, as this last year, it is just plain bad news. Then, I want to reach deep and find the happy, the joy, even if just reflecting on positive momentum I had over the course of the week for my own being. On this first Friday in January, I have much to reflect positively about.

  1. I weigh less this January 5th than I did last January 5th. While not what I would have liked when I changed my eating last April and increased exercise, I kept some of the weight off. 
  2. My diet coke and coffee consumption have continued to be reduced. I drink pop rarely, and limit my coffee to my morning brew, switching to tea or water the rest of the day. 
  3. Unplugging before going to bed has helped me fall asleep, and while I still woke up too early most days this week, I'm at least getting a good five hours of sleep. I know it is not enough, but compared to the 2-3 hours, then hours lying wide awake, before falling back to sleep only to have my alarm go off, I'll take it. 
  4. I started using a few of the facial masks that were in my shared Fab, Fit, Fun boxes. I know this is not frugal, but shared with my girls, I feel I'm at least getting the value of the price paid.This harsh January weather is really beating my face up. Even if the results are superficial, I'm happy with even fleeting results of softer, but firmer skin. 
  5. I'm not even tempted to spend on a gym membership. I know myself that it would be money wasted. I do though need to put the better rested body to good use and continue my time investment in yoga, strength, and ab mini work outs. Thanks, Wendy in the UK for keeping at your suggestions of yoga. It is time well invested for my posture, my back, and  general muscle tone. Unless a complete RA flair up, a little arthritis pain won't stop me. 
In 2018, as Bridget Jones wrote in her diary,  “Resolution number one: Obviously will lose twenty pounds. Number two: Always put last night's panties in the laundry basket," I will continue to push forward my resolve to be a healthier person in mind, body, and spirit. A little weight behind me and dirty laundry in its place is a great place to begin.


  1. I always enjoy reading your blog even when I don't comment. I don't find it depressing, you always have a plan to make things better.
    Good luck in 2018

    1. Thank you for that feedback. I hope my momentum stays positive.

  2. Your recent posts have really hit the bullseye for me, I love your honesty.

    1. It's a good pracyice to see how far we move from year to year. If I'm ny honest, I wouldn't know.

  3. "...a revolving doors of self-induced drama". I like that one. lolz
    Here's hoping we all come to some self-realizations in 2018 and learn from our past journeys.
    The struggle is real and it continues......

    1. I can be opinionated and a busy body. I need to leave that behind in 2017.

  4. I like the variety of subjects people cover in their blogs and you have written with great sincerity about your reactions to the loss of people you hold dear this past year. Your blog content is your choice at the end of the dayx Arilx

    1. Absolutely to each her own. I'm glad I had people to share my thoughts and emotion with.

  5. Bridget Jones always gets it right! I hope 2018 goes well for you and your family. Jx

    1. She looked on the possibilities all the time.

  6. Keep up your blog. It is well thought out and formed I loved the revolving door analogy too.
    There is one blog in particular that I read only because I can't keep from peeking. Bad of me, I know, and I have never commented on it, but there is something that compels me to look. Like you said, the train wreck rubber neck.

    1. Thanks, Anne. If we read the same one, I just sometimes want to type, "your not helping the situation!" but I don't.

  7. It's interesting to see that when you look back to this time last year things are "on the up" for you, however slowly. That's definitely a positive. As for the "revolving door of drama" I can't think of any that I read like that. I find I stay well away from self-induced drama as it wears me down just thinking about it. So onwards and upwards - or time to get the Bridget knickers on I guess.

    1. Blogging is a good journal-shared with the the whole wide world :).

  8. I love your blog and don't think you are whiney. I am the whiney queen and not with the adult beverage. Put out what you want and let others read or not read. Mine is my feelings and my frustrations, it is my way of venting. I do walking videos on You tube. As for RA it is the shi%$. Today I have a bad headache from my meds and my wrists are stove up again. See I whine:)

    1. I had one bad day over my Christmas break-barely left the couch. Fortunatley, they are not often. I'm fine withthe venting, and anyone can put on there's what they want.The self drama though, I see that in my real life too, constantly making the same choices and then wondering why life is always kicking them.

  9. Yours is one of a few blogs I still read regularly with enjoyment. Many of the frugal blogs I was reading just after I retired from work don’t hold my interest and frankly annoyed the hell out of me lol. Good going for sticking with the Yoga it’s so beneficial on all levels physical spiritual mental and emotional this and walking with the odd bit of swimming when away are all I need.

    1. Mine is less a frugal living blog and more a "help me and give me financial feedback" blog! I am intrigued with the super shopper frugality blogs, but in reality, I don't have the interest, aptitude, nor time to be a super frugal shopper, so adapting thriftiness where I can makes more sense. I also readily admit I like more creature comforts in my home, in my car, and when traveling that many thrift bloggers write about, so the super austerity life is not for me as well. In the end, we all find the balance that suits us.


Join the conversation. Your comments are welcome. Dissenting and different opinions are welcome as makes for good conversation. I moderate comments to be sure I read them all and stay ahead of the spam. Advertising products or services without permission will be deleted, as will anything that may be harmful to others-read promotion of debunked "experts" and conspiracies. If you're a blogger, feel free to include your blog URL.