Thursday, April 1, 2021

No Joke-No Post!


     While today is Thrifty Thursday, I'll delay and combine a big one next week. I have not been paying attention to  anything this week. I've never been a big prankster on April 1 and we all know this last year, and second April 1st, that has been enough joke for all of us. Feel free to share any of your lightheartedness in the comments though. It might bring us all a smile or two. 


  1. My youngest son has always been a big April fools prankster. When he lived at home I was always nervous about what I'd wake up to. The very best one was the time he coated my husband's soap with clear nail polish. My husband couldn't for the life of him figure out why his soap wouldn't work. He was so confused lol! My son didn't fess up for days and my husband was still trying to make the soap work!

    1. that's a good one! never heard that one before.

  2. I dislike pranks of all types, and forbid them in my house. I taught my kids that laughing at the expense of another person is cruel. There's more than enough cruelty to go around in the world without us teaching it at home. Okay, so maybe pranks at home, are good natured, but, what happens is that littles take the idea off to school with them, and pull them on classmates, usually the lowest in the school room hierarchy. "Imagine if that was you how you'd feel" was my mantra.
    That said, my kids do good naturedly rib each other a bit. For instance, one of them has a habit of using the restroom at least twice if we eat out, and always either right before the waitress comes to take the order, or just before the food is delivered. So, (thanks to DD and her wicked wit), whenever that one is in the bathroom, we refer to it as his "writing his Yelp review."

  3. No jokes from me today either. I am busy dong laundry. LOL

  4. I would love to say it's a joke but regretfully it's SNOWING here. Wind chill is 21.

  5. My mother died on April 1, 1987. I'll never forget calling her best friend to tell her the sad news - she actually said "this is an April Fool's joke, right?" Like I would ever joke about that!

  6. I’m not much of a prankster at all because I don’t like when jokes are played on me, but when my kids were little, I made jello in drinking glasses with a straw stuck in them and said it was koolaid. They thought it was funny. My daughter had a little joke for her car loving boyfriend. She asked home if he had heard about the guy that was switching the stickers on the gas pumps. He asked if it happened around here and she replied that it was an “April Fuels joke.” Cute! That’s as silly as we get. JoAnn

  7. Some of my chefs used to come up with some cracking April Fool's pranks. One of them stapled his wife's nightie to the mattress while she was asleep and woke up thinking she was


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