Friday, December 24, 2021

Perfect Is Myth-Good is Grand

      I decided to share my Facebook status as part of today's post. Perfect pictures will fill social media, blogs, vlogs and everywhere else. I tried once again to make rosettes and once again failed again and again with batter sticking to the iron, refusing to budge. I had the recipe with 5 of 5 stars and watched the oil temperature like a hawk. However to cut my losses, I decided to fry that batter up, cover with massive amounts of powdered sugar and voila, Elephant ears. I nibbled on a few broken free bits and these are tasty! Point being, for those of you stressing to make the perfect Christmas, just don't. Sometimes the flawed plans turn out pretty good. My apologies to the generations of Norwegian bakers before me. First picture my ambition and second,  the new Christmas Elephant ears.

     It's official that my son won't make it home. He just got back from an out of town multiple week work project. He also has opportunity for work next week before risk of lock downs. He hasn't gotten his booster so feels leery of airplane travel- neither wants to, nor can't afford to be sick. He's making the mature choice, yet of course I'll miss him tremendously. It's been two years. In the spirit of accepting not perfect, we'll video call and I'll dream for him to come later in the year, even summer when he can actually enjoy the lake, boat, and Minnesota at it's finest. He'll enjoy today or tomorrow hopefully with friends, good food, and chill time after so many weeks of work without a break.

     We can want perfect- but why ruin the good when perfect is really an illusion? Some on the community page asked if any place was open tomorrow. I'm glad there were a few places, mostly bar and grills, but somewhere those that choose to celebrate or ignore the day can meet up with family and friends. Thank you to those that work holiday's by choice or not. So however you choose to spend the next few days, I hope you let the little things go. I'll try to take my own advice.


  1. I was a bit of a perfectionist in my younger days but I thankfully let that go. My focus now is making memories and just enjoying all that life brings.

    1. I still have my moment s and things that set me off. I hate my husband jumping in at the last minute cleaning up behind me. He doesn't know my system and just gets in the way. My daughter noticed he does this. I try to let it go. Tomorrow will be harder when I'm around his family, who have steep assumptions about how things should be.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting and Merry Christmas!

  3. Your elephant ears look delicious! I made my Mom's pecan tassie recipe, and they stuck horribly but they taste good. My son said that sometimes the worst looking things taste the best. :D
    I like the quote, perfection is the enemy of good enough. I am embracing "good enough" this year.
    Sorry that your son won't be able to come home for the holidays, but I'm glad that you will be able to video chat, and I'm glad that you will be able to be with your daughters and family.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings.

    1. I'm happy to have the girls. It can be a tough holiday for my older daughter and her upstairs neighbors are jerks and she didn't sleep well. I'm enjoyed tonight.

  4. You said it! Perfection only exists on Hallmark movies!
    We will miss our sons tomorrow but it is just the way it is going to be from now on. Fortunately TheHub and I actually like each other and we will have a great day no matter what happens.

    1. Yes, I need to be grateful for having the time with the girls. Still, where are those ruggedly handsome single 30ish men, ready to create a perfect Christmas with my daughter? Where's my son getting assigned to work on a project over Christmas in none other than small town Minnesota and meeting the cheeky 3rd generation coffee house owner? It's all illusion, but the food was good tonight and the wine plenty. Tomorrow will be more of the same.

  5. I'm scared of frying so fair play to you for giving those battered delights a bash.
    Your son sounds very wise not risking flights when he's not yet had his booster, it means you can have another Xmas later on in the year!
    Have a wonderful day! xxx

    1. I won't have a deep fryer, but did on the stove in a shallow pot. The batter was good! Yes, I hope we can celebrate with him later, I'll take another occasion.

  6. My mantra this year is "You are enough and what gets done, gets done."
    Merry Christmas SAM!

    1. That's for sure. What got done was appreciated. I hope your Christmas is Wonderful!

  7. Rosettes can make almost everyone lose there religion. I am always a little leery every year. But I have found that the irons must be hot enough and the oil hot, hot. Still it is a crap shoot. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. My sister suggested we all try together next year- even if we fail, we'll have a good time. My mom's cousin in Norway invited me to come there to learn.

  8. Love the title of the post. True words.
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Now to remember this with all the things that go wrong over the next few days.

  9. I’m glad your elephant ears are tasty. I’d rather have them ugly and tasty than beautiful and not so tasty. LOL

    I’m sorry your son cannot make it home, but I agree with you that he is making the mature season. I do hope he can get up there this summer though.

    I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. They were good hot, but as they got cold, a bit gloopy. Oh well. I'm glad I didn't waste a whole batter recipe. I'm disappointed of course but pray we'll see him soon.

  10. We're zooming with family too. I hope next year we're all able to get together again. Hope you have a lovely Christmas Sam.

    1. He went to a movie with friends today so that was nice for him. We talk d briefly and tomorrow we'll video call. I guess it's well into Christmas Day for you. Merry Christmas 🌲!

  11. I hope you make it through the inlaws visit without too much anxiety.


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