Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Positively Tuesday-Removing Those Buttons


     How are you all fairing this Tuesday morning? We had a bit of a  January warm up that is extending to  the first few days of February, including some sun. I'm not complaining, though I'd like to be able to get outside in the day and enjoy it more than my schedule looks like I'll be able to. I'll open the blinds though and work around any computer glare-I need that natural vitamin D. I have several meetings this week with a couple groups that really annoy me-really push my buttons. They take the inches that are offered, and try and steal another foot. Both groups have leadership that  have aggressive, power grabbing personalities, and fail to see beyond what they are pushing for to other equally needed and important proposals. I'm also finding my new boss's communication style a bit of a challenge. I'm already getting a sense that she likes to stake a claim for being the smartest person and the person with decision making authority in the room.(This had been my impression of her from previous interactions, and I was hoping I was wrong.) So be it-I didn't want the job, and frankly, she is incredibly smart and does have the decision making authority in many rooms. . 

     We also have an extended family issue that has been challenging, and quite frankly, I am sick to death of it. I don't even want to be in ear shot when it is raised as the topic pushes my buttons so hard. So that's what I'm going to do-remove the buttons all together. While I can't just detach with my work interactions, I can decide that I don't need to wear buttons to the meetings, and mentally detach from taking anything out of the meeting personally. I can choose to look at my new bosses work style as a strength and try and diffuse DH's stress by diverting attention to our immediate family. How do you handle the button pushing people and situations in your life? I love how Sheila at Ephemera decides ahead of time to wear her "armor" clothes when she anticipates challenging days and people. She literally changes out of buttons! I need to find me some good armor clothes. I used to have a few go to outfits for anticipated stressful work days-my brown power pant suit and these great gray pants that I wore with a red heel. The suit is long gone, but I have those red heels in my closet. 

     It does me no good to get riled up about other people and situations I can't control. Looking for moments of joy, simple pleasures, smiles and laughs are a form of removing buttons. It's hard to be pissy when I've just heard or read a great story, or DH has filled my coffee cup with just the right splash of  milk, or seeing kids wrapped up in snow suits swinging, then jumping off into a pile of snow as they were n Sunday. So without further ado, here's my list of good stuff for the week. 

  1. I got to enjoy trivia with just my daughter, surrounded by cute dogs! A beautiful golden retriever took a liking to her and snuggled up to her leg at one point. The brewery is dog friendly to well behaved dogs, which leaves pup out, though we do stop occasionally on our river walks so he can get a treat and drink of water. We didn't do too bad-just 8  points off the winners. Surely had a few of our other team mates showed up, they would have been good for a few of those 8 points. 
  2. Enjoyed Happy Hour out with  four of my sisters, my brother, and in-laws. I had gotten the two "elders" as I've jokingly referred to my two oldest siblings, 74 and 73, a couple birthday cakes in a Mug, and  little ramekins to make them in. They both got a kick out of the silly little gift. I found some cute napkins that said "Eat Dessert First", and bags of the Australian red licorice, everyone's favorite, to round out the little gift bags.  
  3. I got a walking/coffee time scheduled with a friend I have not seen in a year. Now, fingers crossed nothing blows up before Friday and I don't need to reschedule. 
  4. Had a very nice encounter with a staff at Marshall's who even though it was a very old purchase, tried multiple ways to look up the codes and got my refund-which was supposed to only be merchandise credit since it was more than 90 days, but she gave me the choice of cash or gift card. In fact, everyone my daughter and I interacted with in our  out and about day on Sunday were nice, though she got me a bit flustered correcting my driving. (I rarely drive in busy traffic anymore and I missed getting in the right turn lane)
  5. I spent time cleaning parts of my house that really needed attention. Is there more to do? Yes, but taking bites out of my list and seeing the result is a simple pleasure. 
  6. I watched a few periods of  three different great niece and nephews hockey games over the weekend via Facebook live streaming. 
  7. I got to watch the  towns Show Choirs also via Facebook. Two of my mom friends have singer/dancers so fun to see how their shows. That morning, a "memory" had popped up with these two friends and our daughters-it's already been three years since my kiddo last was on the show choir stage. All things come to an end, the years of  football and track, traveling basketball and softball, then travelling basketball and soccer, and then show choir. Now these two friends will be soon looking in the rear view mirror as their youngest's graduate. 
  8. That sunny walk? I did take advantage of a meeting ending early and slipped out at 3:50 for a 20 minute walk with the dog. Where were all the kids though? My kids would never have stayed in the house if the temps were above 25 after being cooped up all day at school. I saw nor heard a soul. I guess the elementary aged kids would have just been getting home, so perhaps I missed them. 
  9. My daughter made  1/2 dozen muffins and shared them with DH and I. She was extra generous with the blueberries and the muffin, with a coupe clementine's was a perfect post walk pick me up to power through the rest of my work day. 
  10. I'm happy for my son who's adopted team, the LA Rams, will be going to the Super Bowl. I'm guessing though it might not be so ice for him the week before the big game with all the more people out and about. 
     There. Easy to come up with 10 joys, simple pleasures, and smiles. My buttons weren't pushed a bit, and I feel ready to meet Tuesday head on. It' not red shoes, but I have one of my favorite cardigans on, and cozy slippers on my feet, so soft sided armor. I hope you experienced good things this past week and continue to do so in the week ahead. 


  1. I also look for the joys and smiles in each day. I learned a long time ago that the only thing I really have control over is how I react to things. It seems to help as I'm rarely bothered by what anyone else says or does. Have a great day!!

    1. I was feeling very salty lately. I really needed to think about my joys this week, ad why I was letting my negative reaction disrupt my day.

  2. Lovely 10 joys :) my armour are my rings and earrings - when I have those on, I have superpowers. (yeah right!) but I do wear certain ones when I want to be strong - and they certainly help 🤍

    1. Those are great tools to unleash your super powers!

  3. I rarely figured out how to avoid having my buttons pushed. Well that's not strictly true because towards the end of my working life I knew the staff/medical/pension rules and regulations inside out and took strength from that when someone tried to pull a fast one. But on a day-to-day basis I wasn't so good at it. And well done Marshall's for such good service!

    1. Knowledge is a good tool to overcome the stress of button pushers. I so often though deal with people who want to reinterpret things to suit their narrative.

  4. Looks for the good is a great way of guiding your life. I choose to set boundaries with such family members as they certainly do know how to push those buttons, so we are not going to let them.

    1. I've gotten much better at boundary setting with DH's family, though I still let stupid things stress me out. It will always be a work in progress. When you know you were never a popular choice to join the family, the sting never really goes away, and I see the slights. It's up to me to ignore.

  5. I sure don't miss working - my buttons were easily pushed at times and even if I tried, I don't have a poker face. Someone was all asking, "what are you thinking E?" Hard to say nothing. :)

    But I do recall having a few pieces in my wardrobe that I wore when I wanted to appear more in control. I don't have any of them any more and am more likely to be dressed as you are today, in my case a comfy hoodie and a pair of slippers.

    Great list of joys!

    1. I don't have a poker face either-except when I play poker! My daughters do not either-my son just says what's on his mind.

  6. We have a potentially explosive family situation upcoming. I've been avoiding it, but it's going to have to be done. The fallout will, no doubt, be spectacular, but I will be clear about where my loyalties lie, and that my inheritance is nothing compared to my grandchild. Money has never interested me, so it can't be held over me.

    1. I'm sorry for your situation. Even when we have thick skins, the thought of hurting my children, and someday their children would be beyond my being able to take buttons off!

  7. I have a hard time with people pushing my buttons which is why I work for myself. But that has it draw backs also. You are brave to work in the sector you do, and thank goodness we have people like you willing to do it. I can't believe that your daughter has been out of high school for 3 years. Yikes! Where has time gone? I think covid has sucked our time memory out of our heads. Hey wear those red heels and keep a stiff upper lip?back? You can do this.

    1. I'd love to work for myself-if things were different and health insurance wasn't so expensive and not very good outside of my job, I'd consider it. It is amazing how fast the years have flown-and I am in a perpetual time warp it feels.

  8. I do not like my buttons pushed. If I sense that, my buttons are being deliberately pushed, I make sure, that person regrets it for life. I am not proud of that but, that's how I have been wired.

    1. I thin that bugs me the most-when people know things that are hard points, and they intentionally try and be jerks. My husbands siblings do this-they poke bears because they think their opinions matter more.


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