Saturday, July 8, 2023

"Maybe" Weekly Blog Post

      This week went fast. While we got major progress in the garage, it's not done. We filled the dumpster size I ordered, plus have made three trips to donate, and filled my recycling bin. I've got to get old paints to the recycling zone. I've ordered a second dumpster and they'll swap out when this one is picked out. This means I need to be effective inside and out of the house to remove all that's needed. I also need to get a small dorm size refrigerator and a full size one picked up, plus, now get this, a tanning bed. I have no idea how that's been in a corner of the garage for over a decade. Well, I do know but it's got to be gone. 

     Bikes were donated, clearing a lot of space. My neighbor who has a new granddaughter was ecstatic to get some sweet things that used to be DD2's. It'll be next summer before she can start using, but I was happy she wanted the items. I'll enjoy watching the little girl play with the baby buggy in the coming years. We need to figure out what yard equipment works and what needs to be added to scrap. DH was just not efficient with his space. You neat garage and shop people would be shaking your heads and fingers at us. 

     I need to tackle the closet under the stairs, in the downstairs bathroom plus the laundry room. Now of course, all of this could have been done  before DH passed away, but like so many projects, were on the list. My free moments must be focused next week. I have a free day tomorrow plus nothing scheduled for next weekend. That will be a good job done before the bathroom is remodeled. Speaking of that, I started to make decisions on what I want. The product is on a 8-9 week order status, but that's fine with me, bringing the project to September. While I picked out the shower material and floor, I have a bit of time to pick out the vanity. I'm going clean, sleek, ordinary grays, but will buy towels and a rug for color pops. Here's kind of what I'm aiming for, with a walk-in shower, photo from Wayfair.

     Most likely I'll then schedule to get the upstairs one redone. Why not? These are projects a decade overdue, and most likely I'll be in this house for a while as even if I wanted to move, options are slim. I don't want to settle. I'm still waiting on the estimate for the patio. I'm on the fence if I'll move forward this summer on that since it's already well into July. Still, the idea of a ready patio next spring is appealing. 

     Budget wise, I've got to manage regular cash flow better. Waste needs to be eliminated. I've tried a couple low cost meals, a sort of black bean tostada and a red lentil ragu. Note, chickpea pasta, left from my daughter's college apartment kitchen, is quite mealy. The ragu though, was very tasty. My daughter is starting to get zucchini. We used in a curry and in the ragu. I forgot to take a picture of the first large zucchini from her garden, but she'll have more. Plus, her snap peas are coming. Ugh for her, her fence got backed up again. 

     I'll try to blog weekly. Nothing too exciting going on here, but it was nice to talk about getting things done, even if progress is marathon pace rather than a sprint. I've got a graduation party today and I'm back to work Monday. I guess how the week goes will be up to me. 


  1. Envious of the zucchinis! A critter of some sort keeps eating all of ours, and despite the 15 or so that have blossomed & grown, they all disappear before I can pick them. Now the critter has moved on to our cucumber (Nick's favorite).

    I love the vanity you are considering. Very much my style.

    Overdue or not, sounds like you are making a lot of progress in the garage!

    1. I'm sorry for your critter woes. Her cucumbers are just starting to show. I hope she has enough that can do pickles.

  2. I really like the vanity you've chosen. My dh is a neat freak with his garage and shop, but oh my, there is just SO much of it. I'd never get through it all :( Good job on working on these projects.

    1. I doubt I'll be a neat freak, but I vow to stop being a pack rat once things are organized.

  3. I had an overstuffed garage and it was a BEAR going through it all and making decisions on what to move or not. Good on you for tackling that garage. Go slow with other big changes for now.

    1. I'm not sure if I'm going slow or fast. I just feel a need to keep going or my momentum will be lost.

  4. Sounds like you have been busy, and you have gotten so much done! I'm sure your little neighbor girl will enjoy the toys. I love the vanity you have picked out. I hope to get a walk in shower someday soon too, so look forward to reading your remodeling tips. Yum on the zucchini and curry. Thanks for the chickpea pasta review. I bought some soybean pasta at aldi, and I thought it was nasty. I think I will stick with the corn and brown rice pastas for now.
    So nice catching up with you.

    1. She's still a newborn- just a few months old. Next few summers shell be mobile. Nothing to recommend on chickpea pasta.

  5. I'm so glad you have been able to work on some of these projects and accomplish so much. It sounds like you have some plans in place for you to get things sorted, gone or redone. Good on you. I'm sure it has been a challenge getting going on some of this stuff, but you should be proud of what you've gotten done so far. I like the vanity very much. When we redid our bathroom, I chose a vanity that was quite dark and I kind of regret it now. I think you will be glad to have the neutral grays and then use accessories for the color, then you can make simple changes when you want. I am glad you are getting back to blogging, even at a slower pace. Ranee (MN)

    1. I feel slow, lazy, but of course I'm making some progress. I wish my mind could stop racing at night and I could sleep.

  6. I hear very few tales of garages not stuffed to the gills with outgrown items. Good job on getting things out and distributed to others and the dump.
    The patio will be fun when it is done. I would be looking forward to it all winter.
    It looks like your daughter's garden is coming along nicely. I am glad she was able to continue raising vegetables.
    It is good to hear from you. You certainly are keeping busy with all the decluttering.

    1. It's more than decluttering, but absolute purging. I wish it hadn't gotten to this point but I'm trying to keep going. It'll be years I feel.

  7. Great job Sam! Working on projects like this always give me a sense of accomplishment. I have a number of things I want to get done around here before Fall. We'll see if I can do it. We have almost the same vanity in one of our bathrooms except it is white and the stone is gray on top. I love it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    1. I don't feel accomplished, just regretful that it got so out of control. I'm just trying to move and not tread water.

  8. I am envious of your squash. The boys rented a tiller and tilled me a garden plot last week, and so far, NOTHING except radishes (which I despise) have come up. I think I'll have to wait for late August, when I plant winter crops (lettuce, peas, garlic, onions.) I am NOT envious of the work you did on your garage, but will probably envy the result. Even though we only moved here last August, our garage is a mess. Things that should have gone before the move didn't, and were moved here. (Long story...DH wasn't able to help, kids weren't willing, or didn't understand how to go 100%.) Oh well, it's a kid's space in the garage being taken up, and every time that kid complains, I get to say various versions of "Well, if YOU had stepped up..." and "Nothing is stopping YOU from getting in there and cleaning it." And my favorite, "Tell it to the Marines." Age teaches us that things like that aren't huge in the grand scheme of things, are they? Still, I'd like to see the things that are usable given to somebody who can USE them. Like you with the doll's carriage, it gives me joy to see my cast offs appreciated!

    1. My kids have been great, but they didn't cause the issues. DH just had no sense of purging, almost a fear of getting things thrown out completely. I'm trying to first find owners if useable but frankly 90% is outdated junk.

  9. Love the vanity! Cindy in the South

    1. It might not be quite that size but I think I'll enjoy the look.

  10. De-cluttering is the best thing to lift your spirit up. I did a major cleaning last year but, I know if I start again, I can get rid of just as much stuff. Marathon pace is great. You can cover more ground that way. My vanity has two large and deep drawers. I opted for them instead of cabinets due to my Vertigo. It is dark brown and from IKEA. I wish we had Wayfair in this country. They have so many options. Don't they?

    1. It feels draining now, not uplifting. I guess in time it will feel like something was accomplished.

  11. Any blogging is appreciate - once a week or otherwise. I find it feels good to rid of unused stuff and perhaps a few new items to brighten up the day.

    1. I really feel just drained. This purging is needed, but it's a sad process.

  12. Good for you clearing out things in your garage. For me it's the basement that's filled with stuff I need to sort and clear out. Your bathroom is going to look so classy!

    1. It's every space in this house. The garage was just the worst of it. My fall and winter will be closets and cupboards.

  13. Hi Sam, good to see you back! I also recently spent ages lugging paint etc. up from my basement to get it sorted and/or thrown. That stuff is heavy and I had to open each one to see what could be saved and what needed to go. And as for your bathroom, my never-ending/beginning bathroom renovations should also now (hopefully) be done in September and believe it or not, I think I have the same sink unit going in! I'm impressed with your progress. You are doing so well!

    1. I know this needs to be done but it's not been easy. Good luck getting the bathroom completed.

  14. Hooray for garage purging! Glad your neighbors were able to take some things. I love the bathroom vanity. Nice choice!

    1. I think the neutral look will feel spa like. I need a calm place.

  15. I love the feeling of organization after decluttering. Kudos to you for tackling your garage. The vanity from Wayfair is so pretty. The zucchini will be delicious I'm sure. Its so great to get an update from you.

    1. Right now I'm still in the overwhelmed phase, so. I joy. We've had several zucchini meals.

  16. You have really been keeping busy and accomplishing a lot. I haven't even thought about purging the garage in all these years . Well I have thought about it - but that is as far as it gets. Just too much stuff.
    You should be proud of all you are accomplishing.
    Have a good week.

    1. Drained for sure. I'm not feeling any sense of accomplishment yet. There's still so much to be done.

  17. Sissie is coming to help me purge the garage, it is such a mess. Blogging is hard for me now as I feel like I have nothing to say, life is just too sad so much of the time.

    1. This was beyond messy - it was an epic disaster. It now looks like garages that people call messy. So much still to do and my kids, daughter in particular, have done so much and so much more is needed. I want to run away again.

  18. I love the colour of your bathroom . Great colour and easy to being in other colours to “pop”

    My week was very similar to yours
    , but I was tackling the loft. I found a telescope, a dolls house with furniture , several tennis rackets and a ton iv clothes hangers. In the cupboard under the stairs I was able to donate a chest freezer ( bought for when we thought Tony would be having chemo for several months, and we would need to be careful about being out and about) and a filing cabinet . Tony also had a recliner chair , which I came to despise as it represented his cancer -
    All now donated and in new homes . Feels positive to have done it, but further evidence that Tony has gone
    And is not coming back
    Being a widow isn’t easy
    Well done for all you achieved
    Siobhan x

    1. I hear in your words much of the sadness and pain that comes with tackling these projects. It's not the clutter-it's his clutter, his stuff, his person we are decluttering , cleaning, and purging. It hurts. It's necessary but it still is painful. Let me get through this fall and winter. I hope by next spring you and I can retreat somewhere, but let's keep connected. Are you able to get much sleep yet? I've been awake since 3:30 and need to drive into the office today. I might change that plan.

  19. We have scheduled a bathroom reno and I do not want to be in charge of picking out the tiles. I am not a gray person but I know that is the current color that buyers want. I have no idea what I will wind up with.
    My laundry room is on my weeding out list next and I can't tell you how much I dread it.

    1. Your comment got stuck in my spam. So much purging needed here. I feel very gray these days.

  20. You are doing really well, I am cheering you on from the sidelines. Although in the midst is it you might not feel it, but from the outside you are doing amazingly well. Megan


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