Monday, May 9, 2022

Money Monday-Cost of Clutter


     I shared the possibility that my daughter might stay with us if there is transition time between finding and closing on a house and getting out of her apartment. We've plenty of bedrooms, even with me taking one as an office, plus both a living room and family room for hanging out. Even so, DH and I have our way of living now and can imagine it might be a challenge with adult children even if temporary. Fortunately this time frame is during summer where we can also be outside or she can  retreat to the lake place if needed during the week if she wants more space from living with three others. If it extends to fall, my younger daughter will be gone, and plus the lake is still an option.

     However, I'm still feeling too much chaos and clutter. My daughter's are opposite on the clutter spectrum, but I'm hoping the older can help me be disciplined. Housing things we don't need, don't use, have no joy value, and take up space not just are unsightly, they could cost money. First, I want my daughter to be able to rent the smallest space possible for her furniture. As the cost between one size unit and the next larger may be $50 difference per month, at just 4 months, she could save a nice amount, to go towards moving costs. Also as we purge, we likely will uncover items that we've not used, but she might put to use in her new house, avoiding spending unnecessarily. 

      I want both daughters to have space to keep things they'll need with their next transition without more cost. Then, there's the clutter that takes away storage space for buying things in bulk, or for near future use, but at rock bottom prices. Worst, is clutter and disorganization that makes it hard to find an item needed, so DH or I have repurchased something.

      I purged the office closet, but it needs another round. Things always need more rounds in my house. Don't get me started on my laundry room. Wait. Yes, get me started on my laundry room and the spare bedroom closet. The garage is in a whole different dimension of need and needs it's own strategy. I'm going to challenge myself to think and act on clutter as wasted opportunity, the cost of it to our lives mentally and monetarily. 


  1. I know what you mean about having to go back and purge again. I have the same problem here and it's just my husband and myself. I can't imagine what it must be like when you're trying to eliminate things but have adult children, who are just looking to get settled, and could use many of the items you no longer need. I often feel like I'm just purging stuff all the time and when I get enough to donate, off it goes.
    We were still needing rain in our area of Minnesota and boy or boy, be careful what you wish for. It came through here about an hour ago, fast and furious with pouring rain and small hail. Our backyard was flooded and with no where to go. I'm sure there's water in the basement (ugh!) and there's standing water everywhere because the ground is overwhelmed. I was just hoping for some nice rain showers. Wow! Ranee

    1. Late afternoon got wicked here! I was glad I took a break mid afternoon and walked the dog. We had hail, lightning, and tornado warnings. My purging seems never ending.

  2. This is a very small house, and I am constantly looking at things and saying, do I need this. The master closet is a night mare right now and needs a total purge. Even hubs is asking questions. So good luck bringing the kidlets back into the fold. I do envy you in most ways.

    1. I just need to not get sentimental or think maybe this would come in handy. Some stuff has been shoved in closets so long it's likely I don't even remember it.

  3. It drives me nuts "having" to buy something when I know I already have one (or two, or three) somewhere. You're so right about clutter. I've fallen off the declutter wagon lately because I'm trying to get all my beautiful plants that I bought into pots etc. before they completely die!

    1. I can see being distracted with outdoor things. I too often buy repeats only to later find the item I knew I had.

  4. I don't know where clutter comes from! I think it breeds, at least in my basement it does. Good luck with your purging!

    1. That's exactly it- it must breed. I just need to act. My daughter is great at that so hopefully she'll give me nudges.

  5. Every now and then I get the urge to have a clear out and it is often moderately successful - mostly stuff that we should have thrown out or rehomed earlier or even have said 'no thank you' at point of obtaining - tbh, but some things seem to have rooted themselves and despite their surplus nature or dislikable character traits seem to still be here .... eviction notices will have to be served on two sets of drawers, two round tables, and an ugly chair....

    1. The "no thank you" trick. I need to learn this. I'd have space for more if I bet rid of what I have- little cycle of decluttering joke.

  6. my barn breeds clutter... so does the garden shed. LOL

    I have to clean out the garden shed, get the floor repaired and get the fire wood for winter in it as the first 1 1/2 cords are dried.

    We had decluttered a lot when moving here. BUT then two of the kids moved and dumped their extras saying they would need them later ... later is 5 yrs. Then Pop died and stepbrother passed to me what Pop wanted me to have. Then Daddy died and we ended up being the ones to clear the house. I am down to 1/4th of what was Daddy's. A friend redid their kitchen and brought over all their cabinets etc thinking we would LOVE to have it to put in the barn for a kitchen in there...Maybe but I was no where ready for that unload. Haven't touched anything else. Maybe this year will be get rid of at least half the clutter

    1. You've got me beat, but likely much more space. I say every year it will get better.


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