Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Positively Tuesday-Raw


Sunflower farm, August 2020

     How are you all this Tuesday? It's gray out and I'm off kilter with the clock changes, but otherwise doing well. Well is an odd word, isn't it? It is so often just said as a default when you don't want to get into how life really might be. It also can mean exactly that, things are well, going good. My life is going good, but I don't know if Well is a good description for how things are. I'm emotionally raw like so many of us are these days, even when our own life might not be in turmoil, or in my case, hardly inconvenienced yet. My shoe may fall, and so may the other one. For now, I'll still send out calls for hope, peace, and safety, and appreciate where I've experienced joy, simple pleasures, or a smile of two.

  1. My March premium for health insurance is nil! This will add several hundreds in take home pay at a time extra cash is needed to defray trip, fuel, and food costs. This was due to underspending on health care in 2020 by our employer and the rebate passed on.
  2. While my sister didn't get discharged yesterday, I'm happy she is getting too quality health care. Fingers crossed today she will be well enough.
  3. We had a quick virtual birthday greeting for a friend who's in South America. We all just got in Facebook messenger for a quick uniform birthday shout out. Her daughter and grandchild is there and what intended to be a one year adventure, has now passed three.
  4. I had a tiny bit more weight loss, up to four pounds total on Saturday.itvwas even confirmed through the doctor scale.
  5. It was a joy to watch Andriy Ukrainian footballer Yarmolenko score Sunday watching the West Ham game. Sports mean nothing in reality, but that goal, coming in after he has been out of the lineup due to illness, might be a little sunshine for his fans back home.
  6. It was dodging puddles and flooded paths walking but pup and I sat outside Sunday for a bit afterwards and took in the sun. Yes, it was cold, but after walking and with my warm coat, it was nice feeling the sun on my face. I won't rush the days, but I'll be happy to be outside again.
  7. Had conversations with all three kids this week. They wanted to be kept updated on their aunt, plus I got updated on their lives.
  8. My dexa scan showed no worse bone density than was thought. I'll be adding more Vitamin D, but otherwise no changes, but to keep working on strength/ weight bearing exercises. I'm on that!
  9. Let my body wake up on it's own the last three mornings to try and slowly acculate to the time change. Within a few more days, I'll be back to feeling like 5:30 a.m. is 5:30 a.m.
  10. It's another sister's birthday today. Hopefully we'll all get to celebrate her on the weekend.
     I'm challenged recalling individual call outs for the post, probably because I'm blissfully, ignorantly, fortunate every day. I try for 10 regardless, some more meaningful than others. I'll wrap up by just saying thank you all for the kind words and thoughts for my sister and yesterday's post. If you're having a hard time, please reach out to family, friends, or even strangers here, who really are friends you just haven't officially met yet in real life yet. 


  1. Fingers crossed your sister gets to come home today!

    1. Finally! Staying a full week in a hospital is unheard of, but so glad she got care.

  2. As a total aside: I was in the supermarket when I noticed a young man walking in front of me. On his right calf was a tattoo in a symbol that looked oddly familiar. I stared for a few moments as I walked down the aisle, then felt myself smiling when I realized what I was looking at. I caught the kid's eye, and he looked a bit puzzled until I said, "I *love* your Deathly Hallows tattoo." I wish you could have seen that young man's smile at that, and heard his voice when he told said, "oh, thanks so much." I don't care for tattoos, personally, and have none, forbid them on my kids while they are being supported financially by me, but that one really made me happy.

    1. I'm not s tattoo person either, but if others like, and they have meanings, more power to them. My daughter has three but are subtle. All done well into adulthood and on her own.

  3. I love your last sentence of friends we just haven't met yet. That is how I feel as well. I'm glad I found you and your blog.
    Keep focusing on those Joys!!

    1. Blog land is an interesting space. We find like minded, or at least level headed folks we can discuss things with.

  4. Happy Birthday to your sister!
    All's well in my world - it's been sunny and warm and it really does feel like Spring's on her way! xxx

    1. We got a sneak of spring yesterday. A heavy sweater for a coat was all I needed for my walk. No signs of new spring life yet.

  5. Hope your sister was able to go home today. It's a couple more weeks before our clocks go forward but I know that I'll struggle for a few days while I adjust.

    1. It's in the docket in DC to propose doing away with it. There's no practical reason other than winter will be darker later, but so be it.

    2. False. The Senate voted to make Daylight Savings Time PERMANENT, not do away with it.

    3. I knew I'd say it incorrectly. What I meant was no more changing clocks!

  6. Prayers for your sister. All sisters. I don't know what I would do without mine. 4 lbs is a great start.

    1. She's home! I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. She'll still need recovery time.

  7. Aw, I'm so sorry your sister is ill! I am sending good vibes for her to be well again soon, Sam.

    1. We're grateful she got released yesterday. No fun for her at all.

  8. I am hoping your SIS was discharged. It is easier to recover at home. We do not switch to daylight savings anymore. I used to be 8 hours ahead of my BFF with whom I watch shows online every day. Now that ypu have switched, the time difference is 7 hours.

    1. It's a debate to the merits. It just seems confusing now.


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