Monday, December 1, 2014

So What's Your Blog About, Anyway?

The title of this post is also the question DD#2 asks me regularly.  Whenever I snap a picture, she asks if it is for my blog, or if it is going on my blog.  Then she said, "I don't get what your blog is about."  I sometimes think I don't get it either.  I started with the concept of writing about my challenges and successes of  trying to live with more focus, less stress, and holding myself accountable to look at things in my life, in my community, and in the world with a different lens or perspective than my bias's might lead me to. 

I think I ended up with something different than intended, but I'm ok with that. It is probably one part thrift, in terms of saving money to better be used elsewhere but also thrift in terms of less consumption and waste, and thrift in terms of conserving of time and attention towards what matters more.  It is one part musings and memories, trying to remember and appreciate things in life that keep me grounded.  It is a part reflection and trying to make sense of the weirdness, craziness, and sadness in the world, but also to embrace fully the good things going on as well. I suppose the last part is me quenching an old desire to be a writer, reporter or columnist of some type.  The blogosphere provides ample opportunity for that, plus the bonus of connecting with like minded, or different minded people, all writing and blogging about similar topics. How about you?  If you have a blog, what was your motivation?  If you are a reader, why do you come back again and again to your favorites?  What  turns you off of a blog?  Any and all comments appreciated.


  1. I have two blogs, one a general one with all kinds of musings, book reviews, humor, cooking, my character dolls acting up, the weather, my funny neighbors, all sorts of stuff, and another, my art blog more focused on my current and planned work and exhibits. I find that the general purpose one is enjoyed more, probably because it's more surprising to people each time they come in!

    What turns me off from blogs is illiterate writing! grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, not talking about national differences here, just plain bad spelling, unchecked! I've deleted several blogs even though I liked the people and the pix because I couldn't tolerate their attempts at writing. But I have, when asked by friends who know they can't write, what do to, suggested that a picture-heavy blog would be lovely! some people have a great eye for graphics and pix, not so hot on words.

    1. Thank you for joining the conversation. I agree on grammar, etc. and hope to not be a culprit. I later find errors and am frustrated with my editing skills. Will you comment with your blog links? I would love to read your posts.

  2. Oh, gladly! I am not too fond of commenters whose main purpose is to publicize themselves, but since you ask, I feel okay with it! and

    And thank you for asking!!

    I do agree about noticing little things right after I hit publish! but there's an edit button, which saves me..

    1. Oh, you hit something I do because of advice-end comment with your own site. It isn't my primary reason for weighing in though. The blogger expert advised this practice so other readers could connect more easily to your site if you said something interesting. I'll visit your sites when I get to a real computer.

    2. Thanks so much for following up as promised! in fact however, you can always click on my screen name and be taken to all the info on my blogs. This is really why I don't emphasize it. But your participation over at Field and Fen is much appreciated.


Join the conversation. Your comments are welcome. Dissenting and different opinions are welcome as makes for good conversation. I moderate comments to be sure I read them all and stay ahead of the spam. Advertising products or services without permission will be deleted, as will anything that may be harmful to others-read promotion of debunked "experts" and conspiracies. If you're a blogger, feel free to include your blog URL.