Friday, May 29, 2015

My Unfrugal Week

There are holes this month in the household finances, and some big plugging needs to happen in June.  This was a particularly costly week, though to be fair some of it is just timing and is included the overall household budget. Still, when you are taking out cash, or pulling out the card more frequently than average weeks, even the budgeted items feel painful. Here is my unfrugal Friday list.
  • Last minute call to join new colleagues out for a patio lunch near the office, added $13.00 in spending.  Four of us admitted to having brought a lunch, but chose to go anyway.
  • Running late to drop of DD#2 at her early school rehearsal, breakfast for her courtesy of her teacher, but I then stopped and got a coffee and a breakfast sandwich and spent $2.16
  • Two separate vehicles to the cabin, adding 120 extra round trip miles.  I drove with DD#1, and I kindly filled her empty gas tank for an additional $35. Fortunately gas is still about $1.00 a gallon lower than last year at this time.
  • $17.23 on a case of beer that I consumed too much of, but was shared freely with others- I am sorry to say I get on better around extended family with liquid courage, so count this in personal care rather than entertainment.
  • $22.00 is last minute groceries for packing a school trip lunch for DD#2, when we learned late she was accepted into a young authors conference and we had nothing brown bag packable in the house.  I don't know how donuts and specialty coffee made it into the basket along with the deli meat and individual juices.
  • Out of town soccer game with extra kids in tow, stopping for  ice cream cones after the game. Not too bad thanks to McDonald's deal so only spent a few pennies short of $3.00
  • As it was a gorgeous Thursday, different colleagues and I had an afternoon meeting over ice tea and Diet Coke on the patio of same restaurant, and I spent another $3.00.  I did resist the $5.00 chocolate torte, so little victories.
  • As I'm typing, DD#2 is running around, not eating breakfast so will be grabbing something in the cafeteria, for another $2.00 ding
The little things that add up and throw a budget out of wack.  While half is somewhere in the budget, at least $40 was total excess mostly due to poor will power, poor organization and lack of planning. If I had weeks like this every month, the $480 loss could mean denying ourselves a weekend get away or delaying a more capital asset that we would enjoy or use for many years such as a new laptop or a couple deck chaises. While I like reading the inspirational savings plans, tell me where your budget went out of whack.  Do you have a weakness for sunny patio lunches and expensive cafe drinks like I do?  How do you join in, without breaking your own spending goals?

We are down to under 26 hours until I do my anniversary drawing for the Minnesota gift package.  Simply comment or follow my blog to enter.  Thanks for reading.

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