Sunday, June 14, 2015

Replace or Renew?

Photo Teresa Tuma-Pinterest

DD#2 and I were reading on the deck the other night when she said she knew what we needed.  We have a two tiered deck, but the upper part is just sitting empty right now.  "Either we should put a hot tub up there, or get one of those big hammocks with a roof." I definitely do not want a hot tub.  It would be a lot of upkeep for very little use, but I do like the hammock idea.  I responded that we could keep ours eye open for the right piece, but for now, weren't the chairs pretty comfy for reading? She rolled her eyes a bit and said, "they're so old." Now we have had them a while, but they are hardly too old, and a little rust-oleum paint, and any chipping is easily fixed.  I said, yes, we probably need to put another coat on the  frames this year.  Her response was less than cute. "You know. mom, sometimes you just need to get new things." She didn't know it, but she has now set off a challenge in me to find the perfect piece for the deck, in an up cycle sort of way. 

Our deck is nothing fancy.  In fact, it probably should be on  it's last couple years.  We have discussed tearing it down, and either rebuilding, or doing more of a patio with garden pavers. I have lot's of inspiration on my Pinterest wall. Still, we get glorious sunrises with the Eastern view, and from about 3:00 on, earlier in the fall and early spring, we have a nice shady relaxing spot for reading, working, or having dinner. Deck or patio, having a nice lounging spot would add some simple luxury to our short warm weather season. I had a couple plastic resin chaise chairs that I bought for $15 each about 10 years ago.  An unexpected storm, worse than was predicted, took them air born, and smashed against a tree. I priced some By the Yard furniture, claimed to be indestructible with a lifetime guarantee, but the $600 a piece price tag is more than off putting. My sister in law seems to be in the right place at the right time.  Her daughters condo complex was replacing communal furniture in their patio area.  My niece nabbed two extra large wrought iron, incredibly sturdy, double wide recliners, free for the taking. They did need a little sanding with steel wool, and a touch up of paint, but anything comparable would have been close to $1,000. I love the 1969 retro chaise I found at Teresa Tuma's Pinterest site. If I could find one or two similar, we would be reading in vintage pleasure.

I will need to do more than keep an eye open for the perfect find.  I am starting to spread the word to others.  I'm looking at Goodwill and Salvation Army for pieces that might work, even if they weren't originally intended to be used out doors. It's time to put that Pinterest board to action.  Who has had good luck finding  the perfect things for your outdoor living space? Did you get creative and use something unexpected, but it completely worked?

Our perfectly adequate deck chairs, with too small a table.

DD's "hammock" spot.


  1. Your deck areas are lovely, and your furniture looks fine to me!
    All of my garden furniture is thrifted. The table and 2 chairs were £6 at a carboot sale over 5 years ago, and 2 years ago I bought 2 vintage, very comfortable, lounging chairs for £3 for the pair.
    This week I'm hoping to have the time and good weather to paint a vintage tea trolley which will house summer planting in pots (the trolley was £1 at auction) and a small side table to use on the lower patio with the lounging chairs ( the table was free as it had been bought in an auction lot with other items and the lady who had bought the lot didn't want the table).

    1. That is exactly what I am talking about! Creativity, not a lot of cash, and for something more unique and special. Your furniture sounds divine.Thank you for the compliment on the deck. It has served us well for 23 years. We are looking at tearing downfor safety reasons-some rotting underneath, and sagging from the house.

  2. We're on a similar quest, Sam. I want a carver type chair for my garden and have looked at the catalogues but am wondering if I can find something to upcycle. I have a lovely swing but want a "proper" chair to sit in.

    1. There are some darling things people have come up with. I can't remember-are you a sewer? I picture something in your garden with light green with a few comfy cusions, and a little side table for tea or lemonade. I'm not much for sewing, but I thik I could get some cusions made if I find the right piece.


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