Monday, July 13, 2015

Paradise on 12 Grains

Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness -
And Wilderness is Paradise now.
- Omar Khayyam

Ahh, the things we can give ourselves that lend to such simple enjoyment. I had a hectic day today.  It was good, but several curves thrown in. An impromptu meeting with the big big boss, a gnarly tangle to help a school get out of, and my exit ramp closed for the duration of the summer kept me hopping and improvising throughout the day.  To top it off, DD#1 left some equipment she needs for work in her old room after coming home for the weekend.  I met her between her home an ours, saving her 80 minutes round trip, but adding 20 to my end of day.  With stomach growling, I was like an ostrich with my head in the sand, avoiding the Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Chipotle I passed on my detour and made it home without spending money we don't need to spend on food I don't need to eat. 

However, my will power didn't make the rumbling go away, and by7:00, I was getting quite famished, with DD#2 expected to arrive home any minute, probably famished as well.  Even though it was hot out weather wise, the thought of a boring sandwich or a quick salad  didn't appeal to my taste buds.  I decided to combine the two. The result was phenomenal.

On 12 grain bread, I lightly buttered 4 slices of bread and put butter side down on a cookie sheet I heated up in the broiler.  I topped two slices with cheddar, garlic powder, and sliced marinated artichoke hearts.  On the other two slices went mozzarella, more garlic powder, and baby spinach leaves, piled high.  I took a little of the marinade form the artichokes and dribbled over the spinach, and popped the lot under the broiler for about six minutes.  Folded on top of each other, and cut ins squares, to make them easier to handle, I prepared for bite one.  The veggies and cheese oozed together in my mouth taking me to a happy place. DD#2 bit in and proclaimed, "OMG, Mom. This is so good." 

I should have taken a picture of my process, but quite frankly, I didn't think it would be anything to write about.  "Sam, I hate to break it to you,", you may be thinking, "it really isn't."  Seriously though, it was that good.  I would dare to put it up against any pub or cafe grilled cheese, and at a price because of my bargain ingredient so less than $1.00 a sandwich, I want to write about it.  I don't have a vendetta against the fast food industry, but sometimes when I am hungry, and stressed, or rushed, I think I need to turn to a quick drive through window to feed myself and my family.  In the same time it would have taken, at this time of day, to pull through the drive in, pay, and get back on the road, would have been no less, and probably more, than my prep time took.  I've shared before that I like to use things like onion spread, or other spreads to uplift the humble grilled cheeses.  This was a bit beyond and now my mind is already prepping a sandwich line for the full bounty of late summer.

How about you?  What have you discovered my luck, or with intentional invention in the kitchen? I'll leave you with DD's 1/2 eaten sandwich to gaze upon. 


  1. YUM, YUM, and YUM!!! I'm coming to your house for dinner!!!!! Usually when I am beyond hungry, I rummage through the cabinets like a crazy woman and eat whatever jumps in my hands.

    1. I was thinking that as well, but I was a real grown up and paused before jumping into the fridge. Girls night again, and using leftover cooked rice, just about the last of the spinach and cheddar, 6 eggs and sour cream and making sort of a quiche. It is so nice tonight we will be dining outside. I have a nice bottle of red open, and trying to make the most of summer nights.

  2. BRAVO! BRAVO! You avoided the drive thrus and came up with a home run. I do applaud you.
    This post really made me smile!

    1. Yesterday though I more than made my own point. I overslept so ran out the door without packing a lunch. I decided to just get inexpensive Taco Bell. Well, I got locked into the drive in lane, and it took 20 minutes to get two "value" burritos. Yes, lunch only cost $3,58, and I was fully stuffed, but I ended up having to eat too fast, leading to indigestion. Today, working from home, I had a nice large tortilla with some melted cheese, a little sour cream and salsa, a stalk of celery, and a yogurt and had lunch prepared, eaten, and cleaned up in 25 minutes, still fully satisfied, and spent maybe $1.50. Not to mention the gas to drive over since it was across the highway.


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