Friday, November 13, 2015

Books, A Cheap Vacation

Wednesday we had an all out thunder and lightning storm, followed by high winds on Thursday, and the deep darkness of fall has truly set in. The winds took any last leave hold out.  Late fall is the perfect time to peruse my books shelves for books I might want to reread or the ones, and there are many, I never got around to.  It is a great time to put holds on library books that always seem to be checked out when I want them. It is time to pass books between friends, family, and coworkers.  While Wednesday was a thunderstorm, the next one we get with the dropping temperatures is sure to include snow and ice. Now is my time to make sure my coffee, tea, and hot chocolate provisions are topped off. I love shut in days because with a good fiction book, I feel like I am on an instant vacation. 

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