Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Half of Century of Living the Good Life

"If you were born on 25th November 1965., your age is Fifty years and zero days. 18262 days passed since day of Your birth (or 2608.9 weeks). But you are not alone with this! In world 344000 babies was born on that day" So says Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Cris Carter and Scottish Actor Dugrary Scott were born this same day.  Happy Birthday Mr Carter and Mr Scott.  

I am now 50.  Half a century has come and gone. I will not be having a massive "over the hill" themed party. My girls are taking me out for a birthday lunch (I got a free burger on my birthday certificate-they didn't come into money suddenly), have some errands to run since the next two days are paid holidays at work, and Friday would have been my regular day off so I'm flexing today as my day off instead. My drivers licenses expires today so that has to be renewed, DD#2's jacket to pick up, some banking to do, and my contributions to Thanksgiving gatherings to prep for. To avoid getting downtown too early for the big Thanksgiving Day charity run tomorrow, I will pick up our registration packets tonight, and might just have to drop into the pub where friends are gathering for a quick beer. I didn't start running; I'll be doing the fun run/walk with pup while DD#2 runs the 8K. My sisters are taking me to play Bingo at the Eagles club Friday night, and Saturday DH is planning dinner somewhere-perhaps a little local Italian restaurant.

All of this is very mundane, very ordinary, but for me, brilliant.Too many people I grew up with didn't reach this age milestone. Many more that did have struggles that I can't even contemplate having to face in my day to day life, but deep down realize life could change in an instance. These ordinary affirmations that each day is a blessing should be more celebration than I need.


  1. Many congratulations on achieving your half century.

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the next 1/2 century.


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