Friday, November 6, 2015

My Thoughts on Money Making Mom

I've been trying to break into the blogging scene for about 18 months now. I'm finding it good fun and a creative outlet.  Seriously though, I had sparks of vision when I started that I was going to be able to make a tidy little side income. An income that would allow me to help my young  adult children tackle their mountain of student loan debt.  An income stream that would give time allow me to retire early, and retire to anywhere in the world while maintaining the blog and income source, remotely.  I signed up for both product sponsorship and promotions and have entered blog contests.  The reality though is few of the sponsorship or promotional opportunities that have come my way have fit my values or lifestyle so I passed on them. 

Recently I found something I could get behind. I was accepted to be part of a launch team for a new book, Money Making Mom by Crystal Paine. This meant I was able to get a download copy of her book, be included in a private Facebook group for sharing ideas, and lessons, and have participated on a live call exploring more of the book with Crystal herself.  I've been an off and on follower of her blog Money Saving Mom for a while, a lot of passing on daily deals and ideas to my adult children and nieces.

The first message I want to share is Crystal does not want everyone to buy her book.  Sure, it is a business venture for her, but it is so much more a labor of love, and if buying the book means $15 spent that you and your family need to go somewhere else, do not spend the money now. Having spent part of my life in the shadows of a publishing company, this is probably not a statement most publishers want their writers to expound.  And that is one of the reasons her style and her ideas are so refreshing.  She explores her own journey trying to come up with ways she herself could bring in more income, while still focusing on her primary role as mom and household manager. Her tools gives the reader concrete action plans to imagine and create their own. She acknowledges set backs and do overs.  Heck, she even starts out discussing whether or not someone should be even trying to start a new income earning venture.  Is it the right time, and are the reasons for another income stream important enough to put the hard work needed into a self employment venture? She explores these questions with the reader.

I've been reading and revisiting the book for weeks now. I feel like I am outside of the intended demographics age wise. However, while I may not be raising young children at home anymore, I still have a full time job to work around. She writes in a way that I can translate the examples and scenarios she shares to my mature time in life.   For more on Crystal's book and how to purchases, as well as have access to her online courses, visit the web site at

In full disclosure, I was given a free advanced download of the book, Money Saving Mom, as part of the launch team.  All opinions are my own.  


  1. I entered the blog world with no expectations of making anything. It is just something fun I like to do but I do understand how people can make a little cash from it.

    1. I had low expectations which is why I said sparks and not flames. I do still want to find something that would be more freeing in the long run.


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