Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nerding Out For the Holidays
I am both a Christmas and a science fiction nerd. I am particularly fond of Doctor Who, both classic cheesiness Doctor Who and the resurgence in the last decade. Christopher Eccleston was my favorite, but Peter Capaldi has grown on me. The two in the middle were adorable, but in a lovable nephew kind of way. Having no handicraft skills of any kind, I doubt I will be following the directions, link posted under the picture, to make this, but I sure appreciate the cleverness of it all. Two Christmas's ago I was laid up in bed with horrible flu.  BBC America ran a Doctor Who marathon. As I slept and woke up throughout the day, the shows kind of blurred together, adding fuel for a very interesting fever induced dream pattern. Who are the gingerbread house makers out there?  Anything clever you will attempt this year?

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