Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Walking a Tight Rope

I splurged last night.  Two warm pairs of new black tights made it home with me while running into a Walgreen's waiting for DD#2 at her violin lesson.  They are ready to add that needed layer between my skin, my pants and skirts and the Minnesota elements.  I've been trying to creep by with the odd pairs I have, but there are only so many times you can carefully manipulate where a hole or a snag is for hiding, and if a snag starts in the toe-just annoying.  I was happy to find them on a buy one, get second at 50% off.  The quality is pretty meh, but I've spent three times more and had snags the same day.  If anyone has a great source for thick tights that will actually last an entire winter snag free, let me in on it. 

A month back I added a couple sweaters and yoga pants to my wardrobe in much the same manner, at the moment, no planned shop involved. It worked for me-I wear both sweaters regularly, and I swear if I didn't have to leave the house, I might never take the yoga pants off.  After reviewing my Must List yesterday, created in the summer in a period that I was going to tackle the Minimalists 21 Day Journey, I realized, I am more of an in the moment person than I thought. While very long tern strategies, saving for retirement, saving for college for my kids, more even mid term like planning for a trip, or tackling a single house project, are doable and I feel pretty successful for the most part, planning and then fulfilling daily goals that are planned out in advance will rarely work for me. If by chance I do succeed, such as packing lunches for work that include a fruit and a vegetable, the success is more the result of an intentional decision that morning, or the day before when I thought to put the fruit and vegetable into my grocery cart. 

This will keep me far from organized.  In the long run, it will keep me spending more money on items others regularly get for less, though I too still manage the 'shop now for use later' strategy to a certain degree of skill, but most often the result of being in the right time right place, not a deliberate scout and search. It means when I think about meeting up with a friend in a day or two, said friend may very well have already booked that time because I didn't plan soon enough. It will keep me constantly on a tightrope of balancing health, spending, work, play, and people every couple days. Everyone does this, but for me, I need really short distances between platforms-balance a few steps, then get on stable ground, not always thinking about any risk or planning the next step in my head. I'm good at balancing a lot of details, activities, tasks, meetings, and events at once.  Then suddenly, I'm not good at it, and I am risk of a fall. With January motivating people to get their year in order, I'm going the opposite approach.  I'm accepting I play the short game, day to day intentional actions that when pieced together work. 


  1. The cold here has gotten to the point where I am also adding a "base layer" under my regular clothes. That's fancy hiking jargon for long johns! Only they are much prettier nowadays. As far as tights I have switched to wearing footless for just that reason - there is nothing worse than having one or more toes sticking out all day! Then I just add a pair of socks or two. Of course this only works with pants or if you wear knee high boots.

    1. I have a couple pairs of footless tights for under pants. I love my long skirts and sweaters though- they feel timeless and long skirts feel warmer than pants in the office.

  2. In my little corner of the UK the weather is rarely that cold. Having said that, I ditched opaque tights for leggings (even under my smart dresses) a few years ago. They have latest for ages and saved the early morning dressing panic when I was working. Jx

    1. Your style is so cute as well. Do you wear mostly boots?

  3. I'm calling that a must have even if it was an impulse. Sometimes we get too wrapped up in disciplining ourselves. Let's just shoot for 80%. 80% of the time be good and its the 20% that legendary stories are made of.

    1. Hah-love the 20% view. Nothing legendary in my legs though.


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