Saturday, March 12, 2016

No Fooling Around This Weekend-I Mean It

There is nothing on my calendar today and tomorrow short of a little carpooling DD#2, church tomorrow morning, and some light shopping to finalize preparations for her trip to Spain.  She leaves Thursday night. It's the lenten season, and it is unheard of to not partake in at least one fish fry on a Friday night, so that was dinner last night, complete with all the trimmings. I am still stuffed this morning. Coffee, then water, then a pick me up later afternoon with some tea, and perhaps some light lunch should be all I need to keep up my energy.

I am going to get cracking on the deep cleaning and organizing of my daughter's old room, turning it by end of the month into a proper guest room. I also have the regular chores of life to accomplish as well, with DD pulling her share of the load. No marathoning programs on  Netflix. No getting lost in each of your blogs, so apologies in advance if I am not the chatty Cathy I usually am jumping in on every topic. I've serious work to accomplish, and two good days to make progress. No fooling around, and I mean it. Cheers to you all and may you send me good thoughts on a productive weekend. 


  1. Good luck with it! I have a lot to do before Tuesday. A new to us vintage wardrobe and dressing table are being delivered for Katie's room, so we need to get the old stuff out of there and some dustsheets put down ready for the paint job the new stuff needs. I am thrilled to have the ' new' stuff though. I've been looking for matching vintage bedroom furniture for what feels like forever, and there it was in the charity shop this morning, at a great price of £65 for the two pieces. The other things on my ' to do' list just got moved back a bit!

    1. Well done on the set. I accomplished a lot, but not as much as I would have hoped. My back is feeling it tonight as well. There's tomorrow yet this weekend so will plod forward.

  2. My back feels it when I vacuum the whole house so I have to do it in stages which makes it feel like a never ending job! Yuck! Hope things go smoothly for you and you accomplish as much as you want. If you don't though just blame it on losing an hour this weekend!

  3. Have a good and productive day. Meanwhile I am lost in whatever is going on around me. I blame adult ADD (undiagnosed of course but I am claiming it anyway)

  4. I hope the cleaning went well. My life has been so crazy lately that I am actually looking forward to getting back into Spring cleaning. How nuts is that?

    1. Not nearly as productive as I would have liked but pkugging away. I've missed your posts.


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