Thursday, July 14, 2016

Wonder What My CLASS Score in Life Might be?

As part of the early childhood systems world, I've spent the last three days immersed in research and other good things policy wonks like to think about. A lot of research snippets involve using a tool called CLASS, which is an assessment tool to that looks at the quality of the classroom environment, specifically with an emphasis on teacher child interactions. After multiple sessions, my mind does wander off and I start thinking  about what is being said, but in unintended applications. I started thinking how some outside observer might assess my interactions with those in my life.

Lord knows I would win no top scores for parenting, and hope for at least a mean score. Shouting "What the F..." when DD2 just chose to ignore stopping at a stop sign because the driver behind her made her nervous, is not my finest parenting move. I am still deeply ashamed. I am hit or miss in the spousal department, though after three nights away, I do sort of kind of miss DH. A king size bed is awfully big. Someone could watch me objectively at a night out with friends, with my extended family (and then need to find therapy themselves), or at work, and who knows what conclusions they would discover.

  1. Subject shows elements of adapting to their surroundings.
  2. Initiates fight or flight response when faced with a challenging situation, and not prone to negotiate.
  •  Meets or exceeds in the following areas
    • accepts friends as they are
    • shows gratitude for kindnesses bestowed
    • laughs with reckless abandon when enjoying who she is with
  •  Shows acceptable progress in the following areas
    • maintaining distance from delusional family members
    • leaving work behind in the office
    • accepts invitations to join in activities
    • takes critical feedback from others as constructive
  •  No evidence to support growth in mastery of the following
    • regularly invites people into her home regardless of neatness factor
    • let's negative comments roll off her back
    • trying new experiences with new groups of people
Then, the results would be turned over to me, my family, my friends, and we could all work together to sustaining growth, and mitigate the gaps.  We early childhood folks talk a lot about growth and gaps. What I realized is we expect a lot out of the teachers and caregivers that work with our youngest children. It's a bar I think few humans would reach on a regular basis. It is true that the most important lessons, at least when it comes to being in relationships with others, was learned in kindergarten, or probably before.

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