Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Alaska Check In

"All are surviving on the meager rations the expedition sponsors have put together. Day five and adrenile is high after face to face encounters with hump back whales and sheets of ice flowing from what seems like the sky." Hardly my journal entry but the views make me wonder what those explorers must have been thinking when they saw this world. I know it is part of the US but it feels much different. I'm holding my own stress wise but more togetherness as a large group than my taste.The part about food was for dramatic emphasis-too much food is actually the case! We really did have the whale encounters and glaciers are miraculous to see. Lots of pics to come and if I can get some footage posted,maybe a special treat.Until next time-Sam


  1. Oh wow sounds amazing can't wait for the pics however if ur anything like me ( which I know ur not lol) I can't get anything posted until maybe six months after the event. I really want to follow in your footsteps and I'm having a hard job being contented at home at the mo. Travel is in my blood but I know contentment begins at home so I'm a work in progress lol.

    1. I'll post a few favorites. It was a good trip.

  2. I am so envious! I cruised up the coast of Alaska in 2001 and thought it absolutely wonderful

    1. OOh-hope you had a great time. I probably won't get there again, but happy for the opportunity.

  3. Large groups and lots of togetherness isn't my scene either but sometimes it's the price that has to be paid... look forward to the photos.

    1. While not the balance I would have liked, it worked for the most part. I think it was enough bonding form my MIL as well-she's sans famille next time she travels.

  4. How neat! Alaska has always been at the top of my list. I'm SO happy for you. Glaciers and whales!!! Cool :)

    1. I hope I can get the video uploaded. It might be a bit of a delay.

  5. I suggest hiding from the family and enjoying the views off by yourself. Selfish-nope just preserving your sanity.

    1. I admit I did that a few times. I was on a first name basis with a couple bartenders and found the casino as well.


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