Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Anyone game for a Good Cleanse?

Great ideas and feedback yesterday from those that have never had a mess and clutter problem to those that are reformed, self confessed, hoarders. I will take the tips to heart. Enough about my messy house and insurmountable clutter.Today I want to talk about a different type of cleaning-my body. I work in a very health conscious division. Of the near 30, just three of us would be considered over weight, and one of us, just barely and she is energetic and athletic. Treats in staff meetings are never junk food but things like Greek yogurt, fruit and nuts. At any given time someone seems to be on a cleanse of some sort. Water bottles are hip accessory in every meeting. While this healthiness has not fully rubbed off on me, I have tried to partake in reducing my intake of unhealthy beverages. Since August 12th, I have had only a 12 ounce can and a 20 ounce bottle of Diet Coke.  That's it, no other. For a former 4-5 can a day drinker, that is humongous. 

 I thought about going on the total cleanse with a division supervisor, but when she mentioned even black coffee would be cut, I drew a line there. However, I am finding that I feel a bit more satisfied with one to two cups of coffee in the morning as opposed to the constant refilling I did in the past. Perhaps my purging of Diet Coke from my system is giving the caffeine in coffee more room to do its thing. And while I drink more water at this job than I ever did before, since quitting Diet Coke, and reducing my coffee, I'm drinking even more, so a bonus. I did have a Sprite and cranberry after volleyball and probably will again on nights I don't feel like a beer or glass of wine, so haven't cut all pop-just Diet Coke. There will be relapses, I can be sure of that. Of course not buying pop has been helpful on the grocery  budget. I haven't noticed really any change to my sleep, weight, or general well being, for the good or bad. I was sort of hoping there would be some signs that this is a good thing, as now I am of the mind set, that my Diet Coke consumption was perfectly fine. Maybe the benefits are slow and long term. 

Do any of you do real cleanses? If so, what did that consist of? Were you more like me and just gave up a singular habit, or reduce your consumption? I am curious if cleansing is hip or just  hype.


  1. Anna went on a cleanse, I wished her happy pooping. ;p

  2. I'm a faster Sam so nothing but water I don't care for coffee or any fizzy drinks so no hardship there but I do drink tea and wine. When I'm feeling like I need a cleanse/ detox I drink water with lemon and ginger and refrain from eating for a few days. I know this is not for everyone but I've fasted for years long before the 5.2 became popular and it works for me. I try to fast at least one day a week usually on a Monday I'm not fanatical about it tho and I don't do it when I'm away lol

    1. I can't say I've ever intentionally fasted, but have had those days when it just doesn't work time wise to eat-I make up for it in volumes later, which is probably worse. Do you put slices of ginger root in the water, or how do you add the ginger?

  3. Yes ginger root just grated or chopped fine I make a jug and keep it in the fridge and just keep topping it up with water. It's very refreshing.


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