It's been a rainy week, but muggy. Today though and this weekend, Minnesota weather folks are promising us a preview of fall, even though it's supposed to heat up next week to near summer temperatures again. I've got the two weekend countdown of procrastinated housework and projects before a house full, so will be out and about just in small spurts enjoying the cooler temperatures. It's raining now, and while I'd like to work from home, I have a couple meetings that need to be in person. Minnesota drivers become idiots with any precipitation, rain and snow, so the commute will be no less than an hour.

If only snippets for now of the fall weather, our schedule tells us we are out of summer. DH had the first NFL game on t.v. last night and DD already had homework. I had a small pile of papers to read and sign; papers like emergency contacts updates, technology use and plagiarism agreements, also signed by DD, and others that I may not be sure I knew what I was signing. Signing a lot of papers is a sign of my fall. In reading what I've typed, it reads so dull, but we are busy. Busy with the everyday, the things that need to be done, and busy transitioning to changes in school and work for each of us. I guess the F word is here.
I always hated all those beginning of school year papers....and I got it times 3! lolz
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they just update their electronic info by migrating last year's info since none of the emergency contacts, insurance, etc. ever changed? Would have cut down on the work on both my end and theirs.
We had near record heat here yesterday and the same + thunderstorms is slated for today. Last week was nice and Fallish......who took my cool weather back? 8-(
To the schools credit, the emergency contact form was prepopulated with last years data-just had to make changes or corrections, and sign for this school year. I guess in September and even early October we float back and forth between summer and fall. Cool this weekend, and then by end of next week supposed to heading back near 80's. I am crossing my fingers for perfect weather on September 25th as I relay on being able to use my deck and porch for overflow.
DeleteAhhh, the paperwork! And, we are slowly moving mostly to online forms (thank God), but many are still the paper form.
ReplyDeleteWe started a new system this year, so hoping that means it is going that way.
DeleteThat F word lol. This is the busy time for our business plus a whole bunch of family crap right now, even more than I blogged about. September should start with a b for busy!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was thinking B might be for something else, like life's a B..each. I hope your launch went/continues to go well. Fall is inherently buy with the start of the school year at work, but then with the loss of the IT person, I am trying to keep from panicking.
DeleteNo paperwork for back to school here. Just one big ass check (only 1 more at the beginning of next semester and then we are done!)
ReplyDeleteIt is in the 90's here still, so I guess that qualifies as summer even though the days are getting a little shorter. The upside is I can still swim daily. If the leaves don;t start dropping to fast we can keep the pool open another month.
Three years and we will have that big old check going on. The lake was still warmish this weekend, but will get colder as each week goes on.
DeleteI finally shut the ac off today. It finally cooled off but now it is raining. Yuck. I guess fall is here. Oh sorry, I didn't mean to say the F word.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful but coolish here so no AC which I like-lower utility costs and fresh air, but darn, another warm weekend would have been nice. We'll get more I'm sure but I even put a sweatshirt on for DD's concert by the river. Fall definitely was in the air, but the sun shine was wonderful.