Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Just Scared

I've never woken up in fear before. Not that I slept much. This is the country and world I now live in. Nothing more to say.


  1. I hear you....Because of last night's results, I have two daughters who are wondering what freedoms may be taken away from them now and are realizing just how much hate there is festering in this country. My oldest (17) didn't sleep much last night because she is so worried there is going to be a nuclear war. This is going to be a tough four years but we will get through it. And, I have a feeling by the end of Trump's term, there will be quite a few people regretting their vote this time around.

  2. Must tell you neither candidate would have been good. Trump is crazy and Hillary has way too many skeletons in her closet. I voted libertarian. Cheryl

  3. My thoughts are with you. We live in strange times.

  4. I am so sad for you guys, disgusted with the rest of the country. They just set back humanity by a couple hundred years. One can only hope that his party can keep him in line, that or something in his past will come to light and he will be impeached

  5. My 19 & 21 year old daughters are worried as well. First time voters and this is the result. I hope and pray someone can bring back some moderation to our politics and civility and respect to our society.

  6. Canada is very sad for your country :(

  7. Michael Moore says that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and Americans must reiterate this. I was trying to understand your Electoral college vote thingy which is apparantly how Trump won but it still stumps me. Take heart Sam and soldier on loving your life family and friends xx

  8. Just like DeeCee, my 21 year old daughter voted in a presidential election for the first time and I felt so bad that it was such an awful election. She knew her vote wouldn't matter in the predominantly red state we live in, but she was proud to cast her vote and she had high hopes that other young people her age could actually make a difference. She stayed up till 1:30am watching the results and was just devastated by the outcome. We are all shaken here in our little household and we're actually considering a move to a blue state...or maybe New Zealand.

  9. I'm so sorry SAM. I woke up at 4.45 am and checked online expecting to see that it was all done and dusted and you had your first female president. I couldn't sleep after that and stayed up cutting fabric for a patchwork. The ripples of the result spread far and wide. A young boy at K's school went into her room on Wednesday morning, upset because he thinks he will no longer be able to visit family in America due to the fact that he is a Muslim.

  10. What are you people so afraid of? The drama is ridiculous!

    1. I can only speak for myself, but my fear is of a man with no filters, no impulse control, and no knowledge of how global policy, international relations, and diplomacy works, has tools and weapons at his finger tips that can create international catastrophe. He knows how to gamble with other peoples money, build up wealth, see that wealth cave in bankruptcy, only to start the cycle again, with other people's money. Beleive me, I hope my fear is unfounded and that he has sense enough to know when he doesn't know, and pauses before reacting, to actullay be advised (and then listen) by those that understand the consequences of a rash move. Nothing so far tells me he is capable of listening to anyone but his own ego, and the fact that he won the elelction depsite being advised on different tactics, will just fuel his own sense of deserved ego and power. I am scared because he has self proclaimed himself smarter, better, and stronger than anyone else giving him the self defined right to behave anyway he wants in the moment-no human being short of the worst dictators in history, have done this. That's why I am afraid. It's not drama if a person is geninely afraid, based on promises made in their campaign, that their presidents actions could bring about the fall of the free world.

    2. Um. . .like many my family is afraid for the rights of women, African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ+, or anyone that isn't a white male in this country. The bigotry, misogyny, racism, bullying nature of that man, who clearly endorses rape-culture is NOT someone who should be President of a country based on freedom. We again will be living in a white male world. Welcome back to the 1950s everyone!


    3. Sam, your response was spot on!

    4. But, I respect Kim for asking the question/commenting in a way that prompted healthy responses. She called the drama ridiculous-not people, and included her name. I'm blurring this post to my recent one of a blogger leaving because of too many nasty comments. Thanks Kim for being polite, yet honest in your comment question.


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