Thursday, February 2, 2017

Acts of Love and Kindness

I'm hokie in February about Valentines.I don’t succumb to the whole greeting card bogusness of spending piles of cash on cards, but the cute heart shaped candies, child pink, red, and white paper chains, and little characters made out of hearts like butterflies and caterpillars make me smile. Maybe it is because in February, winter still has its icy grip on me and I need something that gives me some cheer. Maybe, but don't tell anyone, I'm just a big softy inside.

Valentines, beyond the romantic version of love, has more been about family and friends to me.  I loved making the mail boxes as a child to collect the little cards from my classmates, and as a parent, had a good time with my kids coming up with different ways to create the box.  As a child, rarely were there treats with the Valentines card, but I noticed with my kids, it was sort of a given that the card would come wrapped around a chocolate, or with a sucker taped on the card. I’m all for the extra little treats! 

I’ll send a coffee card to each of my big kids, and DH and DD2 will get a bag of chocolates, and perhaps DH and I might go out for dinner sometime in the month, just the two of us.  One year we took advantage of $10 heart shaped pizzas at Green Mill, and used a gift card for the pizza, an appetizer, and a couple beers. Big spenders we were. I’ll probably indulge my coworkers with treats of baked goods and perhaps some fruit, because everyone still seems to be trying to eat healthy. 

February is a nice time of year to remember the niceties around us. At work the other day, a few of us were debriefing while eating our brown bag lunches, post meeting. My friend had a little pudding cup, and out of habit since childhood, I looked in my (self-packed lunch) bag, just hoping perhaps a pudding cup made its way in there. The next day, I had this little treat waiting for me.

Neighbors using their snow blowers to get the snow plowed in end of my drive way clear, someone waiting and holding doors when I’m seen juggling my coffee cup, computer, and a note pad as I walk towards it, and finding a $1.00 off coupon on the gas handle when I went to pump were some of the niceties I had in recent weeks. As a new month starts, a short one at that, I hope to hold onto a little Valentine’s feeling and not only appreciate the folks I love in my life, but perhaps show a little more nice myself.  


  1. I love that you want to celebrate all kinds of love (including self-love and self-care!) for Valentine's Day. Lovely post! It's an alien holiday to me, and now it feels more about romantic love, but when our daughter was little, I really appreciated that we were preparing little cards for her classmates. It's then she started the ongoing custom to spend some time thinking what this particular person is all about - their interests, hobbies, likes etc. Each of her 24 cards was unique each year. She doesn't make cards for everyone now, but that's I think how she still approach celebrating others. It's a great idea to have little treats for everyone! Happy February!

    1. The thing about romantic love, and it is all fine and great, but when so many by choice or circumstances do not have a partner, it seems a day dedicated to love, even if commercialized, should include everyone.

  2. I love this post! Little acts of kindness to ourselves as well as others, what a great way to spend the month.

    1. Definitely to myself as well. Perhaps some chocolates might make it to me, though I have been rationing Christmas gifts, so pretty set with a couple unopened boxes still. I think a few long tub soaks and a few bottles of wine might have my name on them.

  3. I enjoyed this post also, I just wish I had seen it yesterday. I think I will take this month as a random act of kindness month and go out of my way to do some act of kindness daily. While typing this I just remembered I found a purse in a shopping cart in front of my car while I was at the grocery store yesterday. Does taking it in to the store manager count? I actually thought it was just the right thing to do, but I am hoping I can count it as kindness.

    1. Of course it counts! I can't say I'll be as kind as to go out of my way, hopefully though I'll recognize the opportunities to do so.


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