Sunday, February 26, 2017

Stretching the Pantry-Again

 Other than one night of Subway when none of us should have been touching food, and a Valentines night pizza, we managed not to succumb to fast food or take out most of the last weeks of illness. Yesterday we all barely survived a full day of hosting a show choir competition, DH putting in a five hour shift after a full work day, me doing about 12 hours, and DD2 being there from 7:00 a.m. until midnight. She has a choir rehearsal today for her Costa Rica trip, and still needs to plug away at homework. I won't even wake her until 10:00. If there is a deal on Papa Murphy's, dinner tonight might just be salad and pizza, but other than that, I want to stretch to Thursday when I can do an Aldi's shop on my way home. I'm trying to plug those little holes that consist of the extra car trips and store stops. 

I picked up cereal, juice, eggs, milk, bread, and bananas on Friday, my first venture out of the house driving myself in a week on Friday when I had to go to the school to help decorate. With what is already in the house, I should be able to pull off meals even if we don't get pizza. I'd like extra for lunches, so will try and sneak a portion or two aside, but we do have a little deli meat, another can of tuna, and some block cheese, plus could hard boil some of the eggs, and use up the last of the fruit for lunches. Here's my plan of sorts.

  • Eggs, bacon, and biscuits and gravy
  • Tuna hot dish with peas, mixed vegetables
  • Tacos/burritos  with rice and retried beans, corn and avocado
  • Buffalo chicken strips, mashed potatoes, baked beans
  • Frozen  breaded fish fillets, sauteed rice, steamed carrots
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches, left over soup or chili (freezer)
  • Barbecue meatballs, potato wedges, any vegetables that are left
  • Meatballs in mushroom soup gravy over white rice, any vegetables that are left (probably carrots!)
  • Refrigerated cheese tortellini in some sort of sauce with spinach (not sure if it will just be a can of cream of something soup, or if I'll try and make a white, cheese, or red sauce

I am fortunate that my family enjoys humble meals. That might about do it for meaningful groceries. With all the extra trips to try and tempt our various sickness needs, I lost track of grocery and household spending, but can't imagine we went over $400, so less than $50 over the target. We made up some of that yesterday as we thought we would have spent much more on food at show choir but appetites still waning, none of us did more than a little nibble here and there for sustenance, after eating good breakfasts at home. 

March will be a good month, knock on wood illness stays at bay, to recharge our $350 all inclusive household and grocery budget. How are you getting out of February and into March financially? Will March blow in like a lion, or will you glide your check book in like a lamb, softly and conservatively?


  1. I ended up staying under $300 on groceries for Feb. I was a bit surprised at this. lolz
    I've had to heat off basically for 5 days which will help our March electric bill, which is a good thing as we have some large irregular bills next month to deal with.

    I hope y'all all feel well soon!

  2. Over grocery budget in February but will deduct the overage off March. Under our eating out budget in both January and February, but not lowering it as it includes entertainment too. Not eating out until Wednesday now as am having dinner with a girlfriend, bringing home hubby a pizza from there as they have the best pizza ever.

  3. I managed to stay under our grocery budget in February (short month, included one less shop) & we did a good job of only eating out for special occasions (two birthdays). All of that goodness is offset by our insanely high house purchases. Ahhhh, the house. :-)


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