Monday, August 21, 2017

Commitments to Myself

Oh I have been an excuse maker lately. Just to myself. I've not invested time in planning meals for myself that were part of my successful earlier weight lost. I've not been exercising as I want. I've over indulged on weekends of fun food and drink. Time and changes in my life are my excuses to myself. My reward for excuse making  is putting back on  (consistently over two weeks now) 1.8 of the pounds lost. I've not invested in my personal hobbies. I let the domain expire, having not done anything with it for nearly a year, leaving the shell looking the same as I created two years ago. My excuse was that my family needs my attention right now. While that is true, the over watching of YouTube and mindless Internet surfing probably ate up that time to the most extent. 

No more, I say to myself, literally with my fist  in the air. Today is a new day and a good one to recommit to myself. What better way to launch a recommittment than the day the sun will be blocked, ready to come out again moments later. Summer is officially in it's last month for 2017, yet still a whole month to get the glow of summer health to take into a new season. Taking a long sweaty, photo filled hike felt good yesterday. Eating a big bowl of Gardetto's last night left me feeling dehydrated and bloated this morning. It isn't rocket science to figure out which path to fall I should be on. 

Me, in a relaxed state in front of the water. 


  1. See previous post re comment on this post lol

  2. Your well being should be number one on your agenda!
    From my personal experience, weight issues should be given priority as they totally affect our health and mood.
    You don't have to do anything drastic. You can eat well at about 1250-1300 calories per day, and a 7-hours sleep will do wonders to your metabolism. Good Luck!

    1. I know what t do, it's doing the right thing most of the time that's a challenge, You of course, are right.

  3. I am also recommitting today. This is the start of the kids first full week back to school and so I am spending time getting new routines in place and making sure that I schedule time in for exercise. I walked 2.7 miles this morning taking them to school and then continuing for a longer walk instead of just coming straight home. I also have been working on trying to figure out the eating part. It is hard. But we can do it! Good luck with your restart!

    1. Great effort, Rachel. I think the start of a school year brings fresh energy.

  4. I fell off the food bandwagon this week on holidays...including cheesecake, steak, shrimp, and scallops in fettuccine alfredo...might have been a bagel or three in there with cream cheese. I did however drag hubby all over the countryside hiking but frankly it would be better to just quit eating so much crap than have to exercise so bloody much! Good for you, you've inspired me

    1. I rained most of today but I can't let that bean excuse. I think holidays ate meant though to not think about diets and enjoy. Its the rest of the time I need to remember to eat well.

  5. I have a friend/colleague who runs round like the bloody Energizer Bunny and always has (I swear she stole me "oomph" many years ago). She's great though but you know what I'm serious - she is one big ball of energy and enthusiasm. I seriously think that it is due to the fact that she exercises so much (running, aerobics, pilates and so on). I can't even make excuses for myself as she is 5 years older than me, we both have kids and we both work full time, so I'm starting to think exercise really is the key to all this stuff. Now if only I could buy some bottled willpower .... Anna

    1. Both eating well and moving, and common sense. I know salty snacks at night make me feel cruddy, yet still, I ate them. My children all have good eating habits and regularly exercise-didn't want to follow my footsteps.

  6. Today is a new day! that's the spirit. We all need to chill out and kick back once in a while. You've done brilliantly, keep it up. x

    1. Thank you and I'll keep chilling. Next time with maybe a bit more seltzer and less hops and sugar.

  7. I am impressed, but I am not recommitting to anything until all our guest have gone. Yes I know it is crappy of me, but wine is flowing every evening!

    1. I would commit to pouring yourself another glass of wine and enjoy your company.

  8. I am in one of those ruts also. I spend WAY too much time reading online newspapers to read the latest Trump misadventures. What a waste of time! A total eclipse is the perfect time to renew your commitment!

    1. I get sucked into the comments-not good! Nope, no excuses to not spend my time and energy where it gives me joy and helps me feel better physically and mentally. Seeing pictures of old classmates children and grandchildren, extended family on FB-makes me happy. Reading bickering comments about someone's political view, makes me gut wrentchingly sad.

  9. I have had an ample amount of work stress, and turned to sweets for the first time in several months. Guess what - predictably, it made me feel worse. Time to (once again) understand that a quick walk or some deep breathing helps more than any piece of chocolate. (This advice is to me, but may also apply to you).

    Working out is critical, and I am 100% with you - I'm insanely "busy", but could definitely make the most of the time sandwiched between other things - vs just mindless computer stuff. It's hard to motivate, when you know you only have 10 minutes or whatever.

    1. I haven't so much turned to any particular food self medication, but just have been lazy about prepping veggies for munching, restocking my desk with almonds for a quick, protein filled pick-me up, and allowing myself too much pasta, rice and things that I know just sit on my bad in excess calories.


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