Sunday, October 1, 2017

Practicing Food Photography

I'm not getting much better with my photography skills, but I'm still plugging away. I've been told by several people that animals and food are the most difficult subjects to capture in a picture. One night  a few weeks back I was on my own for supper. Wanting to use up salad bits and other items, yet, with a plan to watch a movie and have a relaxing night to myself, I went ahead and popped the cork on a bottle of wine. With no one to distract me, I started clicking away, moving the bottle, the glass, my plate around trying to get better angles. Oh well, I won't give up my day job anytime soon. Food and Wine Magazine is not knocking on my door, but hopefully, I can improve my own skills for my satisfaction.

Trying to get artsy-perhaps better if I cropped out the hinges?

Just because this clearnaced $3.94 Michael Graves wine opener is a God send!
With my poor eyesight, getting words in focus is a challenge, so giving it some practice.

Showing my frugal, fridge find salad off.


  1. Fun may be an overstatement, but it was time to myself, which is always appreciated.

  2. Sounds like a nice night!
    I understand trying to get good photos of food. My biggest issue is that whatever I shoot is on the table ready to be eaten. I never stage a shot in a light box and sure as heck don't cook just for a photo (or even cook enough so there is leftover food for a food shoot). Plus we always eat after dark, so there is no natural light to make it look really nice.My apologies to all of you for my less than stellar shots, but it is just the way my life rolls.

    1. A light box-maybe that's what I need. The kids that post these beautiful Instagram shots just about before they take a bite of anything always manage to get things looking better than they look in real life.

  3. Replies
    1. It grew on me. First few sips seemed a bit strong, but by the end of glass one, (of only two mind you)I was smooth. It was a wine club pick.

  4. We used to have a lot of our dishes professionally photographed when I was in the trade. Most of the time the food is uncooked as the cooking process tends to make dishes look greasy.
    Fresh fruit and veg are brushed with oil to make them look shiny and fresh. xxx


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