Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Snow and Coffee

On Sunday, schools were closed preemptively in southern Minnesota, as far north as the Southern Twin Cities suburbs. DD1 was elated, but she still had a two hour show choir practice to get ready for their big show this weekend in Omaha. It threw my schedule off as I didn't want her driving and get caught in the middle of it so I dropped her off, then worked from a coffee shop for a couple hours. Rather than potentially be stuck on the road, I worked from home the rest of the day. I had money on a gift card so no spending for me. Win.  Here was my morning office.

It was a good thing I stayed put-some commutes were more than four hours coming home  Monday. Tuesday was a school snow day as well, but not for me. I have six full days of training-mandated training I must complete before August. Normally there is a long wait list, but I got in early, which was unfortunate as the timing is poor since I am down a staff person. With the out of office day, I'll need to go in super early tomorrow to take care of a couple desk items, then drive across town for the 8:00 a.m. training. Coffee is provided-that's a cool bonus. Ever the optimist.I was in training all day yesterday, will be today, and tomorrow, then three more days in February. I'm not used to sitting so long-my back was killing me, plus I have that awful cold so sorry for those sitting near me. 

I'm heading out about 7:15, but just spent the last hour and 1/2 finishing up e-mails from yesterday. Being out for three days is not easy-the work just piles up. If it was a vacation, at lest I'd feel rested, but I'm trying to stay on top of things and not let myself get too far behind. Right now, my life is work, snow, work, snow. I wish I was a skier or a snowmobiler, then maybe I'd be rejoicing with our 14 inches. Instead, I'm just  ready for January to be done.


  1. Pretty view from your office. We haven't had school called for weather in years here. I miss the thrill of those days. ,Our house rules dictate that if we lose power, the kids may stay home. Fortunately, we haven't lost power either--if we do, it happens in spring or fall due to wind.

    1. I love a pretty coffee shop! A friend that moved to Virginia has had snow closings up until the middle of January, so the fact that schools were back in business within two days is pretty something. There were major mishaps in St Paul though-didn't close soon enough and buses got stuck and stranded and some kids not home until 11:00 p.m.

  2. Oh poor you. I certainly understand and come to dread when my already 3-hour daily commute gets even longer, though to be honest that is usually more due to accidents than snow. I have to say though that these last few years have been mild - not sure why or if it will continue but I'm all for it. Anna

    1. I really must invest or borrow some audio books. My friend said she got a good two and 1/2 hours on the long commute home-10 miles, so hardly cared.

    2. I just reread=you have a three hour daily commute? I hope that is round trip at least. Mine is 50 minutes and people say that is insane.

    3. Yep I do 90 minutes each way on a good day. The one saving grace is that half of that is on the bus crossing town so I get tons of reading done (or walking if I have enough time to walk the last 30 minutes to work). And I think audio books would be great if I had to drive the entire way to work. Still, it is exhausting whichever way you look at it. Anna


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