Monday, February 5, 2018

Meals and Other Boring Planning

DH started February with a shop. I can't say this one was rogue because he had showed me the Penny Pincher add and I checked off things that we would need. The fact that he bought twice as many things and spent twice what I thought he should was as part of his efforts. My February household and grocery (H&G) budget is $375.50, carrying the over spending from January of $24.50 into  this month. I plan to keep to an average of $400 per month this entire year. We had a Super Bowl gathering and brought a cheese dip and chips, and cookies. DD2 had a gathering and she was on chip duty, but I also had all the makings for Chex Puppy Chow, so she brought a batch of that as well. The chips and stuff for cheese dip were part of DH's shop. Still, no vegetables in his purchases, though I have a couple bags of frozen in the freezer and carrots in the vegetable drawer. I plan to stop on my way hone tonight to round out the groceries but am determined to  build from his purchases. We have a lengthy list of household items to stock-we are out or running low on everything, which means for food, I need to be particularly planful.

Because we desperately needed laundry soap and toilet paper, which, the nearby grocer had it on sale, I sent DH. Risky business. There were a couple other specials like 2 for $3.00 butter, juice and eggs, which I need for my eating plan. He sort of stuck to the list, forgot eggs; they were out of butter ( so he said but he bought a thing of margarine and quit frankly, I don't think he understood they're not the same) spending a total of $39.85 leaving me with a balance for the remainder of February of $246.20. With just shy of four weeks in the month, that gives us an average of $61.55.

Last week we stayed mostly to the list of meals I had suggested, except I still haven't made turkey meatloaf, the mock lasagna became just fettuccine and red sauce, and DH was hungry for chili dogs and ribs bought through his big spend. We ended up eating all the leftovers for lunch yesterday. My potential meals this week are as follows

Turkey Meatloaf with potatoes and vegetables
Taco bake with rice and corn
Chicken tender wraps with some kind of salad
Chicken Patty  sandwiches with something
Goulash with something
Red rice and beans with some sort of vegetable, sausage

The calendar for the week includes DD2's orchestra-jazz band concert, reffing volleyball (a teen quit with two weeks left in the session and I agreed to help out), finalizing our Branson reservations for April, and decorating then working our own show choir competition and purging a minimum of 20 items for donation between the three of us. I have Friday off so hope to make it a productive day-nothing exciting, but productive.I've got a task oriented work week too, with again, nothing excited but hopefully highly productive for tackling over due maintenance needs. How is your meal plan and meals shaping up?


  1. I'm happy to be back & planning. We're having leftovers, as per our usual plan. We'll have spaghetti & meatballs, kebabs & rice, tacos & chicken tortellini.

    I'm also taking Friday off & getting a massage with a gift card. Can't wait!

    1. We have nothing on tonight's calendar despite the rest of the week being busy. I think a little prep ahead is in order. Your meals always sound so much better.

  2. Frankly I am feeling unmotivated and uninspired over meals this week too. blah.
    Butter at 2/$3? Crazy good price.

    1. I am as well, but I just took a look at Hawaii Plan's and her always sound good so might shift. Crazy price, so probably hadn't yet got the new load, and what was there was wiped out. (or he didn't see it.)Does butter freeze?

  3. I have no idea what is on the menu this week, leftovers last night though. I really try to avoid sending hubby to the store for anything, I am a much better grocery shopper. I use margarine very little, only have it for hubby as I am a butter girl too, will not cook with margarine, yuck!

    1. Tonight will be the quick taco bake-concert and different schedules abound!

  4. Our meal from yesterday unexpectedly left us with enough for dinner tonight which leaves me a meal in hand from this week's menu plan. I've frozen the bits I'd bought for it so they don't go off. Your menu plan sounds very flexible with some good foundation ideas on it. Arilx

    1. The best when you can get two meals out of cooking. The small bits frozen are what I sue for lunches.

  5. It is always a crap shoot to send Hub's to the store.. I feel your pain.

    1. He thinks he's helping, but I had to stop yesterday and get vegetables, bread, eggs-pretty basic stuff!


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