Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Positively Tuesday-Looking at a Blizzard Through Rose Colored Glasses

Banana oat bread with chia seeds.
How do you find anything good about an April 14th blizzard with road closures on 1/3 of the state. DD1 had a cancelled ACT test and now we wait for the make up date and hopefully it won't conflict with something else. She also had her Night of Jazz cancelled, after so much hard work. It will not be rescheduled as originally planned but they hope to at least find an alternative  performance option of some kind. The husband/dad of family friends got stuck at work overnight, along with dozens of coworkers.  DH who works less than 2 miles from home took 15 minutes to get home, but a coworker who left at 12:30 didn't pull into his driveway until after 5:30. Still, I could continue to moan, as I am sure you are tired of me doing, but I also can look where there were some unpredictable benefits.

  • DD1 made it to Minnesota well ahead of the storm. She was still getting walloped in her  home area on Sunday, so stayed until nearly 6:00 which meant almost a full day more to enjoy her time with us. We cooked together, chatted, drank coffee, and just got to be a family, rare with adult children or even teens for that matter. 
  • She also helped DD1, who's major school project for AP history became a feat of cat  wrangling with her group, edit a video. DD1 has the right programs on her Mac book and advisory skills. Her group finally completed filming Friday, but there were still clips being sent over the Internet well past midnight on Saturday. Had her plans not changed on Saturday, no doubt there would be more stress and aggravation. 
  • I took a nap on Saturday afternoon. I haven't been sleeping well, and I hadn't realized just how tired and run down I was feeling until I woke for said nap and felt actual energy. 
  • I was able to get meals prepped for several days for home and work. I froze ready portions of soup and chili, prepped ingredients for a hot dish that we had last night for supper and for a chickenstew/pot pie for tonight, and tomorrow we are positioned for plenty of leftovers.
  • I spent time writing. I took a few photographs trying to figure out the flat lay art. I'm not very good at it, but fun to learn new things. 
No one was in a rush for anything-couldn't rush if we wanted to. As much as I long for spring and warmth and green, we live in a part of the country that spring snow storms are a possibility. We tried to make the most of the snowed in weekend. 
1 1/2 cups of chicken for the pot pie. 


  1. There is always some light even at the worst. Thank you for sharing and I hope that winter has finally moved on.

    1. The snow predicted for today is staying south-sorry Rochester and Mankato. I heard a rumour 70 is not that far off.

  2. Guess what? It's snowing here in PA on April 17th NOW!!!
    So over it....

  3. I love how you can find the positives! I am with you though, so over snow (as I sit here on April 17 watching the snowflakes fall outside my window here in Ohio!).

    1. Winter can bite me! I think we might be done. Dare I say it?

  4. Oh poor you. I had really thought winter might be over for you by now - seemingly not eh. I'm glad everyone was safe though.

    1. And so much of our country has this going on. See Rachel and SLuggy above. It is almost a farce now.


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