Friday, May 11, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-Coffee Lovers Edition

Coffee featured heavily in my past week. Lot's of good coffee moments this week. The picture above was taken yesterday before my friend and colleague N joined me. I sneakily took it as I'm still not comfortable with the whole flat lay, photographing your every morsel. Though, wow. The barista really did a stellar job on the latte art for my flat white coffee. We met at  anew place as a rock slide, no joke, has shut down the street of the coffee shop we normally meet at. While I missed the prices of the other shop, this one called the Goat Coffee or Dancing  Goat, is a great alternative. There is comfy seating downstairs with a few tables and more tables upstairs. There is ample parking, though I would guess most of their traffic for coffee, breakfast sandwiches and lunch is on foot from people in the neighborhood or Metro State University.

Funny, while I was waiting for my coffee and getting my lap top started, my niece-in-law came out of the bathroom. She was meeting a coworker there and they heading on a commute about 90 minutes east to Wisconsin where her company has another location. We got a good five minute chat in. She's the wife of one of my older sister's step son and we have gotten on since I ifrst met her. Her oldest is just two years behind DD2 and also active in the school choir program so the kids, though the relationship is a bit stretched, have a unique connection. This is important I think for DD2 since she is so much younger than the next grandchild in my family so didn't have the same growing up with a cousin moments like her siblings did.'

Well enough story telling. Here are my feeling good moments of the week.

  • I decided to beat traffic on Tuesday and instead of heading back to the office after a meeting that ended near 3:00, I head back home to finish my day. I decided though to stop for a coffee, using some of my gift card stash, and ended up working there for two hours. It was nice being out of the office, but not have the distractions from things at home needing my attention. 
  • I had a good short professional development session during a work group session on building a culture of community. The facilitator featured a book by Peter Beck-darn if I can remember the title, but we're going to get a few copies in the office as we were all quite intrigued to read it in full. 
  • I forget the writer, but there is a description of four stages of team building-forming, storming, norming, and performing.  I feel like my immediate team at work has hit the norming stage and soon will hit performing-definitely as we enter the new fiscal year on July 1.
  • I have not had a large throat issue in the last week. While a couple moments, where the motility of food and fluids stopped a few times, I didn't have a major blockage. Perhaps just having a positive outlook is helping along with the  medication. I'm tracking so I can see over time the changes, if they are there. 
  • No weight loss this week, but nothing gained, and I feel like I had a bit more energy in my step. We'll see.
How healthy was your week? Did you get to invest any time in your own goals or projects/ Are you finding time to exercise or walk, or eat healthy meals? Please share in the comments. 


  1. yep... a rock slide will change your plans... WOW!
    good list of good things!

    1. The roads been closed a few weeks and it's a busy one that goes into downtown St Paul

  2. Pretty healthy week - lost 4 lbs which I'm thrilled about!!! Only problem is I'll probably put it all back on because the kids got me See's candy for Mother's favorites....gotta love them!!!! Haven't been exercising much because my knee has been so bad - I need a replacement but am putting it off until I can't stand the pain any longer but it's getting close :(

    1. I'm sorry about your knee, but I understand and can relate. No candy here as all gifts money is to our trip. I'd love a cup of coffee waiting for me.

  3. Coffee is one of life's little Great pleasures.
    You've got the right attitude regarding your throat issue.I'm sure it can be solved without doctor's intervention.

    1. I wake up and coffee folls my brain. I'm on an acid blocker, so some intervention by doctors but I'll need to wait it out.


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