Saturday, May 26, 2018

Really Creative Meal Planning and Budgets

We ate well this past week, though my plan was quite skewed. It does help to have a big list of possible meals to pick and choose from. We had no take out or deli meals, though DD 2 had a birthday meal out with friends and a field trip that included lunch at an Italian market/restaurant. this was what the menu looked like this week.

  • Monday-Leftovers-Turkey meatloaf, Sloppy Joe's, and assorted stuff from last weekend
  • Tuesday-I was fed too well at my meetings, and DH ended up just making a pizza. DD2 had a birthday meal with friends before her orchestra concert
  • Wednesday-We ate the leftover frozen pizza (I again was fed well), and I made DD2 a quickie friend rice with veggie and egg when she got home form work
  • Thursday Boneless BBQ chicken thighs, baked  potatoes 
  • Friday-chicken tacos, Spanish rice, beans, and cheese
  • Saturday (for tonight)-Chicken, rice, and broccoli hotdish

I vow to make my self imposed $380 challenge for May. I have a balance of $28.45 until June 1 and today is May 25th. We're just going up to the cabin either later tonight after DD2 works, though she has an online paper due by 11:00 p.m. so depends if she needs to complete, or early tomorrow through Monday night. We then have Tuesday-Thursday meals to plan for. I forgot a package of greens at the lake last weekend, but still should be good, so am not bringing another green salad, but will bring some vegetables and either dip of hummus. I have many other ingredients in my freezer an pantry to supplement these items.

Here's my grocery list and cost estimate.

1 bag frozen boneless chicken thighs $6
1 box frozen hamburgers $6
hamburger buns $1.00
1 container grape of cherry tomatoes $3
1 cucumber  $0.50
1 bag carrots  $2
1 container hummus or dip $2
2 pound apples  $3.00
box of pasta $0.80
Jar pasta  sauce $1.50
1 container cottage cheese $2

Total: $27.80

Lake meal contributions
Chicken for grilling
hamburgers and buns
veggies and dip/hummus
green salad with vegetables
tuna pasta salad with celery
Tortilla roll-ups

Home meals
any leftovers
Crock pot pasta  with vegetables
Tuna hotdish
grilled cheese and bean soup (frozen)

I have frozen bananas and may make some bread later today or muffins to bring along to the lake. I'm making a pan of brownies regardless as I already have the mix. Lunches should be easy to scrounge, but we do have canned soup and pastas. We have oatmeal and bread for breakfast, plus a few eggs. No one will go hungry. I'll give a final testament at the end of the week since this is only a plan, but one I feel will be successful. 

I'm beginning to think ahead to June. We'll save $60 or so a month with no school lunches, but DD2 will be home during the day, plus potential of assorted extra kids. She'll also be gone for 10 days with a friend, but I'll send money along to contribute to road trip meals plus groceries while they are staying with her friends relatives in Kentucky. I'm helping a few friends with grad party desert bars, so ill fit that into my grocery plans. I probably think too much on our meal budget and planning, but it is an area I feel I can have control over. Challenging myself in these ways helps me feel like I can be more generous in other areas of our budget. 


  1. You are doing really well and everything sounds good! I budgeted $10 for the next 2 weeks - we have PLENTY of food and if we "need" something, I have a Target gift card I can use. We have a $750 dental bill to save for :(

    1. Well, I actually will do an update later today to post tomorrow. My plan went a little different, but I'm still in my range, so pleased. I have $20 in Target cards right now, but I'm hoping to hard them to use before the trip, or give to my adult kids when I'm feeling mom like and worried they are not feeding themselves well enough!

  2. Indeed, grocery budget can be controlled. I like the food items on your list - healthy and versatile.

    1. I'm trying budget and healthy eating strategies.


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