Sunday, June 10, 2018

Summer Calendar-A Snapshot

And we're off and running! Summer has begun. I'm looking forward to a mix of business at home and work, plus some time for planning and just being. I'm not sure what weekends or days will be at the lake as it depends on my disposition and DD2's work schedule, but anticipate the Thursdays and Fridays DH or I do not work if she isn't scheduled, we will be there. I might take a random Monday or two off as the restaurant is closed and might give us two days at the cabin, mostly alone. It is great that she is earning some money towards college expenses, but changes the dynamics of our weekends. Here is a snap shot of our summer, starting with today. Some weeks do not officially have anything, so hopefully more flexibility to do as mood, weather, and work schedules allow. 

Week of...

June 10: DD2 Kentucky, two grad parties (help at one) DH at lake painting/repairs on second cabin, happy hour with old coworkers
June 17: DD2 back and resumes violin on Tuesdays and her work schedule, one graduation party (helping), fathers day, sign making class with the mama's, pick strawberries and make jam
June 24: one grad party (helping), get together for three sisters June birthdays, 

July 1: 4th of July week and I am off Wednesday-Sunday, mix of town and cabin
July 8th: Nothing scheduled yet
July 15th: travel to San Diego three days, weekend town festival
July 22:Nothing scheduled yet
July 29: Annual dinner out with siblings-mom and dad's anniversary

August 5th: DD2 at choir camp
August 12th: leave for Europe
August 19th: In Europe
August 26th: Return to work, prep for school year, labor day weekend

September 2: School resumes and we have a SENIOR, official end to our summer. My back is bugging me today so I better start my summer with a good stretch. I'm long overdue for a hair color job so will do that today. It will feel good to look brighter. 


  1. Sounds like you have a busy summer, but it's good you include some down time in your planning. Have a great day!

    1. Perhaps the right amount. It seems slower, other than the trip for some reason.

  2. WHEW!!! What a summer you have planned.
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

    1. just three of us to think about, so seems quiet. Enjoy your summer with your crew.

  3. Replies
    1. I hope to add some reading for fun and exploring.

  4. Your summer is filled to the brim. Enjoy it all!

    1. Other than the trip, it sounds a little slow to me. I hope that means I'll find time for things that are boht needed and wanted.

  5. OMG your trip is in less than 2 months! How did that happen? That will balance the "slower" times.

    1. I want to enjoy the planning. My family is now starting to feel the realness.


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