Friday, July 6, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-Short Work Week Edition

The morning after fireworks-calm perfect sun at 6:30 a.m.
Monday and Tuesday I spent in the office. Wednesday was 4th of July, and a paid holiday. Since this Friday is my scheduled flex day, I decided I would just use yesterday as my floating holiday for the year, use it or lose it, right away. I could get used to a two day work five day weekend schedule. Something to consider in about 8-9 years as retirement planning gets closer. I went to the lake cabin with DD2 and a friend Tuesday night. It was so nice with no other extended family there. The girls swan for hours before crashing. DH came up the next morning early and his mom a couple hours later. We got a few hours of swimming before round one of thunderstorms. The boat parade was held an hour late. Since DH's mom was not in her normal mode. we did not decorate but watched from the dock. The girls expertly used the current to catch three bag of candy that were tossed by one of the boats. 

At the other cabin was DH's cousin , her husband and toddler, plus some camping friends in tents. The friends all left right before first thunderstorm s they had small children as well. The actual 4th was so relaxing. Even with another round of thunderstorms, I managed to destress a bit. Fireworks were rough on pup. He was pretty well behaved until then. I eventually just took him inside and tried to create a sound barrier. We had to leave early afternoon as DD2 worked last night and her friend had a voice lesson. Still, it was a nice short calm gt away. No crazy uncle. No dominating brother-in-law. No hyper aggressive sister-in-law and lazy/dull brother-in-la to have the same conversational loop over and over with. I guess most of will be up over the weekend,, but we have a big BBQ at m sisters tomorrow that I'm looking forward to. 

Some things I'm feeling good about are,
  1. I'm managing not to gain weight despite no care at all. I am starting to feel a bit better physically. The extra couple days off work are helping.
  2. I spent two hours on my book. If I can get another 10-15 hours on it, I think it could be turned over to DD1 for some copy editing and suggestions before thinking about sourcing it somewhere. Perhaps by 2019 it will be a reality. 
  3. I might get my project manager back at work, at least through the end of July. I had a message that there was an extension written and we are waiting final approval. Fingers crossed this goes through, but I can't imagine since it is within "rules" they should say no. 
  4. DD1 is coming home later this afternoon through Sunday. She wants to go to my sisters party as she hasn't seen my side of the family since Christmas and she is very close to several cousins and aunts. DD2 is ecstatic, though she has to work tonight and tomorrow as well. 
  5. Today is a day for cleaning, organizing, and putting my house to rights. Having a day or tow of play, followed by a day focused on the house, then another two days off is a great way to start my new fiscal year. Perhaps by labor day I'll be recharged enough to be around DH's family again. 
Here's a few pictures from the 4th and 5th that capture my mood. No fireworks, no loud water play.  May the rest of my summer be so lovely. 
Chilling pup.

No wind. Even the flag was taking a break.

Looking for tree frogs.


  1. So glad you had an enjoyable 4th. Sounds like just what you needed. I am also using today as a cleaning day. Right now I am taking a break to grab a bite to eat inbetween cleaning bathrooms. Have a good weekend!

    1. I have done less work and more playing, but that too is ok. I'm taking a break from a little more cleaning and salad prep for a family late Independence Day picnic, but should get a f more things done before we head over.

  2. Just having a day off mid-week feels like a vacation doesn't it - and then I think you work so much better for it. I plan to tell my supervisor and my director next week of my intention to retire at Christmas. I asked my director about a year ago about working 80% or working 1 or 2 days from home and he said no. He is a nice person but absolutely rigid on this (although others do it - those who were doing it before he became director) so you have two different rules going on here. But having spent 2 1/2 hours getting to work the other week I've had it. But I now think he will offer me the work schedule I asked for when I tell him. You can't win sometimes can you.

    1. Funny how strict someone can be about schedules when they see if working perfectly well. My last job had a new man, the beginning to my end there, who only saw a traditional 5 day, 9 hour work day as productive. No four 10's, no part time. When you have people that can get the work done nd never miss deadlines, it is absolutely stupid to not figure out ways to work with schedules. As long as there is ample coverage, what difference does it make. good luck with your plan.

  3. Yay!!! I love weeks when I don't care about my diet and don't gain weight! And then there are the other 350 weeks of the year...

    1. Ha ha! I hear you. I may not lose the weight I want or should, but I feel like I'm building stamina and trying to make better food choice in general, most of the time. The occasional indulgences-I will not worry.


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