Friday, August 3, 2018

It's Friday and I'm Feeling Fine

Today should be my Friday off, but I'm switching with Monday as I'm taking DD2 to choir camp on Monday morning, then there is a brief program in the early afternoon. Fridays' are normally shorter days, and I'll keep it that way as I'll still do some off site work from home later Monday. What does the weekend have in store then?

We have no plans tonight or tomorrow-maybe we might meet up with friends and DH might decide to go up to the cabin after work tomorrow since it is supposed to get very warm again. Sunday I have play tickets for the community theater then DH and I are meeting up with my siblings and spouses for dinner. This is a part summer birthday, part remembrance dinner for my parents anniversary which would have been their 71st on August 2nd. We are going to their favorite supper club, which became a tradition of get together the last couple decides of their lives. DD2 has to work tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday nights, her last shifts until August 28th. She does her last volunteer shift as well for Loaves and Fishes meals as it ends while we are gone. 

I was supposed to be putting in things for my sisters garage sale tomorrow, but unless I get a whirlwind tonight of sorting and pricing, I won't have anything ready. Work was very intense this week and I was drained each night and did the minimum in the house. I'll still go over and give her a break and if she needs help cleaning up, be around for that. Otherwise tonight and tomorrow is for getting my own house shaped up and in order.  No one wants to leave on vacation or come back to a messy house. I didn't get as much tackled on my mid summer task list, so will plod on with more labor intensive cleaning, but mostly, I just want the house presentable and everyone with clean underwear. I'll do a careful meal plan. Without DD2 here for the next week, whether DH is a fan or not, we will be eating meals that might be odd combinations, with the intent of eating up anything fresh. I should have that post on Sunday.

I have been ridiculously tired for the last two weeks or so, literally falling asleep sitting upright. Twice DD2 got home from work and at a friends house and I was sound asleep even though it was barely 10:00. It seems many people get summer fatigue. The linked article was interesting, if not common sense. Dehydration can cause fatigue and not sleeping well due to hot nights will of course keep a person tired. I'm finding with trying to fight dehydration through adequate fluids, I can't seem to make it through the night, or even portions of the night, without getting up. Then, because I'm too hot, it takes me a while to fall back to sleep. Oh, the wonders of getting older. I love summer, but I know I sleep better come fall. Let's get on with Friday, shall we?


  1. Fatigue is a regular part of my life (lupus), so I get a lot of sleep. Or, try, rather. I have a fitbit that's a relatively new addition, and it's been interesting to see how I sleep each night. Not great, is the short story. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older, but a cool area to sleep in definitely helps.

    Hope you are able to be super productive this weekend!

    1. Fatigue hits RA people as well, but usually for me that hasn't hit the sleep area. Again, though I was wide awake at 3:00-eventually fell back to sleep, and now-less than peppy. Good luck to you to get the rest you need.

  2. You work so hard at work and with your family - perhaps it is regular fatigue? Water in summer is a big issue, I don't drink nearly as much as I should, perhaps a nap might be in order tomorrow?

    1. A nap sounds good-maybe if we get good dose of rain.

  3. You just have so much on your plate right now and with your super go, go ,go personality, exhaustion is a by product. i feel for you sister.

    1. At night though when the others are working, I hate falling asleep too early. time to go go going this morning.

  4. I am SO over summer....but summer is my least favorite season, so I guess you can't go by me. Growing up in Miami the heat was horrible, and I honestly thought when I moved to NORTHERN California it would be not better.

    Just keep thinking about ME going to the Louvre when things are overwhelming :)

    1. I like summer normally, but the sleeping part-not so much. Do you get humidity in northern California? My son loves the southern Cal, but he was a summer kids, and claims no humidity.


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