Friday, September 14, 2018

Feeling Good Friday-This is Life Edition

Two full weeks of September down by the time we wake tomorrow. It seems just  days ago that school was ending and here last night we walked the schedule of our youngest daughters high school days for the last time. The Open House in general seemed less attended than previous years and definitely very few parents of seniors. It didn't surprise me as once you have one it, you know the routine. However, I knew very little about how college in the high school works, of which DD2 has three classes, plus she has two AP classes that she will take exams for in the spring, so understanding what to expect was useful. 

DD2 worked one of her last two shifts until spring at the restaurant. She said they were very busy for about an hour with all tables filled, but by 7:30 it had cleared and she was able to finish her tasks and was home by 8:00. That was when I got a call from a very worried kid, on the verge of tears. My heart stopped waiting to hear what happened. Nothing. She came home to a dark house, saw that we were both gone in my car, and panicked that something went wrong-that I took DH to the emergency room. He had a few over exertion days on vacation, and his balance and stability when he is very tired always suffers a bit when he is very tired. this was something we were told to be mindful of eight years ago after his TIA. She felt bad calling as she had just forgot. It is rare that when we go somewhere we take my car, and rare that we would both be gone expectantly to her anyway, on a weeknight. It's a good thing the kid cares about us. 

This is life now. Really routine and I like it. There is nothing incredibly exciting on the horizon, but a series of simple pleasures to enjoy, work and home to take care of, and life with a kid in her last year of being a kid.  Here are some things making me feel goo this Friday, September 14th. 

  • I stopped following a couple people and groups on Twitter and mostly keep it to things I need for work, school, or topics of interest. Oh the freedom from political mind clutter.
  • However, intentionally, I am going to do a couple nights of volunteer work for a particular candidate for a mid term election. The time is discreet, and not to invade the rest of my  life. 
  • I've managed to keep off the four pound I lost on vacation. I'm not doing as well as I wanted on my September exercise, but I'm doing some. 
  • My daughter moves back this weekend, though not officially yet into her own place. I'm tagging along on four viewing this weekend. 
  • Texting conversation with my son on Sunday assured me he is busy and life is good for him with work and friends, as he was going to be working out of town, but first, a Sunday filled with real and fantasy football get togethers. 
I'm a fall person almost s much as summer. The weather has been warm for September, but the nights get comfortable, though a bit sticky. It is that blend of summer-fall I love. The weekend looks a good mix of busy and some down time. I hope you all can make the most of the weekend ahead. 


  1. I don't bother going to open houses anymore. Our school has college in the high school as well, but my senior has chosen, instead, to do our state's dual enrollment program--courses at local two-year college for both h.s. graduation and college credit. He has just one class he must take at the h.s. for his math requirement, and trust me, with him, one is enough. He truly hates being in that building. His other classes are at the college's campus. This quarter, he has his PE class (online, which I think is a hoot) and English 101 on campus. He chose to take English 101 in the evening, with the rationalization that the people in that class would REALLY want to be there, thus avoiding the nonsense. That said, after completing his visits for enrolling in the program, he said that even walking around the campus felt good--a student even spoke to him as he and his father were heading from one building to the next!
    Unlike College in the High School, the student is responsible for the cost of fees and books in this program. Tuition is covered with an enrollment verification form, which has to be signed each quarter by both the HS counselor and advisor, requiring my son to make those appointments.
    In other news, septic/plumbing issues, so today, a day which would have been spent going to Costco, is spent going to laundromat/waiting for plumber. Septic people were yesterday. I also plan on pouring some candles--a Friday tradition.
    Best of luck with your daughter's return! How fun it is to get to live with her as an adult! I sort of envy you this experience! It's not that she didn't leave, or HAS to come back, but chose to.

    1. Ugh, septic issues. Good luck. I'm glad there are more and different learning options for kids.

  2. Those college classes really help. Our oldest was able to have an entire semester of college credited before she started. This really saves on tuition and time.

    1. I think she will have 26 college credits when she graduates, enough to help stretch a second major and still graduate in four years. DD2 did that but even finished a semester early.

  3. I love that more school are doing/allowing students to enroll college classes in high school. When I was in high school we could only do that for our Spanish class which I did.
    Routine is good! Have a great weekend!


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