Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December Goals Recap December 18

December is humming along. I don't think I mentioned it but yesterday DD2 was home sick and I took a partial sick/partial work form home day. the dehydration factor from Saturday just caught up with us both. My headache never truly went away, and she had a low grade temp, headache, and stomach ache. She already had a dermatologist appointment, which we kept, but the jaunt wore us both out. We got a text to see if even though she was going to miss choir, could she get a fitting done as they are working hard to finish the dresses. So an hour later, we headed to the school, pup in tow as he needed his walk and I could do that while she was getting fitted. I tried to pick up her prescription, but for some reason, it didn't get sent to the pharmacist, so that's needed to fix tomorrow. 

I say this to cut myself some slack at the amount of red below and the liberties I'm taking with yellow. Recapping my progress in December goals, this is how my week went.

  1. Try a new recipe and blog about it. Does changing out 1/2 the batch of peanut blossoms with Reese's Peanut Butter cups instead of Hershey kisses count? 
  2. Read a book for fun, even if it is one I already have read. Well, I leafed through the first issue of The Tightwad Gazette. Yeah, I'm counting that as some progress. 
  3. Write towards completing my book at least 10 hours cumulatively. Nothing in the past week. I am STILL not happy about my lack of progress on this goal. 
  4. Limit TV/streaming/YouTube to not more than 6 hours during the week, and 6 total on weekends. There is just too much other stuff to do in December, and if I have a free night, going to bed early would be a good thing. Since I modified to not count sports (Vikings, Wild game...), I think this was a success this week.
  5. Other than a holiday lunch for my team, my gift to them, no eating out or morning coffee stops (work days). I did well this week, except for Friday when a former colleague was a last minute cancellation, but I still bought a cup.  
  6. Cook two meals at once at least once per week.  I made a double batch of soup and extra rice for a second meal. Not entirely twice cooked, but some progress.
  7. Pack and actually eat, two servings of fruit and veg to my lunch each day. Pretty good here. 
  8. Add a midday outside walk, every day if possible, even if only around the building. My body craves some natural light when I leave and come home in the dark. Boo- came short here. 
  9. Fit in a 10-15 minute yoga video in at least 2 times per week, This has gone by the wayside and by body feels it. Boo-again, I came short here. 
  10. Not gain any weight. I'm frustrated with myself for putting back on the five pounds lost on vacation, and being so close to the weight again I was two years ago, my heaviest. 2019 has to be the year I get my weight in check. Holding steady at least in December, despite the treats and calorie laden food, will boost my confidence heading into January. Still, so far, so good, and if I could get more exercise in, that would certainly help. 
I didn't promise perfection, just some stretch goals to be more active, eat better, and accomplish something I set my mind on. 


  1. This is a hard time of year to make changes, with all of the other crazy stuff going on. Maybe choose 1-2 of these to really focus on for the last 10 days or so of the year?

    1. None of these were intended to be changes, just the good things I am trying to do more of. With the hectic pace of December, I thought something more internally focused would be good. I'm not disappointed in the results as I do keep in mind that the month is not my own.

  2. You are right in there with the rest of us. Things just happen and it is a busy time of year. Heck your daughter can't even be sick.But things will get better.

    1. She missed two days, and was scurrying out the door this morning and has a jam packed day-poor kid. Really though, these weren't so much new goals as more a list of what would be good for me this month.

  3. I agree with Hawaii Planner, maybe cut your goals list down for a while. It's also difficult to get natural light sometimes in the winter. I don't mind the cold but even if you get outside at lunchtime you can't really go back to work looking like a drowned rat can you. Of course I'm making excuses (for me) because we have all the facilities at work to shower but sometimes you just can't be bothered can you. And that's fine too!

    1. The lack of light has been a real downer for me. I don't have SAD, but just feel my body craving a boost of natural light, but we have so few windows in our office. Making myself get outside, even if only a few minutes-it seems like my mood picks up tremendously.

    2. Oh yuck - no windows. Luckily for me our building is a very old building (listed) and right on the lake. I would hate the lack of windows too and would also feel blue.


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