Sunday, December 30, 2018

Menu to Come off the Holiday Gluttony

I tried to cook healthy. I tried using up all the leftovers, but we are all tired of the food from Christmas and ready to start fresh. I still do not want to waste, so anything that can be thrown into the freezer for a future meal when we are not sick of looking  at Christmas food on our plates, I'll do so. It's an odd week to plan for. DD2 has show choir rehearsal all day, so I'll send packed lunch/super snack for her. We both work tomorrow, off Tuesday, but DD2 and I are at the school most of the afternoon and night, leaving DH to fend for himself. Then, Wednesday we are all back for three days of school and work, but leave Friday afternoon for the weekend. I fear some Jimmy John's may be needed to fill in holes that time is creating. With being gone Friday afternoon to Sunday, I'll try ty to make meals from what we have on hand.

Cheese and vegetable lasagna
Hot dogs and cheesy potatoes (fresh-no leftover ones!)
Grilled Cheese and canned soup of some kind or a thrown together vegetarian chili
Tuna hot dish-I know this shows up every week, but I actually haven't made it in well over a month
Breakfast for supper-scrambled eggs and pancakes
Steak and spinach salad with goat cheese (for New Years Eve)
Bean and rice burritos with bean, corn and tomato's

This should be enough to ward off hunger. I'll shop Sunday night when we are back and probably just get a take and bake or frozen pizza for supper and depending on how early we are home, just some egg sandwiches for a lunch. We have fruit from a gift box that we'll eat heavily this week as well, so trying to get that jump on my healthy eating despite using up odds and ends. Maybe in  few weeks I'll feel like pulling the ham out of the freezer and making a big pot of bean and ham soup with the saved ham bone. But not this week. Is anyone else still left with leftovers? How are you maximizing them? Did you end up with a lot of food waster, or are you trying to store them away for the future. 


  1. I don't tire of beef or turkey leftovers, but ham is a different story. It's far from my favorite, so once/year is more than enough for me to eat it. I baked a spiral ham for one kid's club Christmas party the week before Christmas, and had a lot leftover. To avoid leftover fatigue, I reheated it the next night for us, with all our traditional sides--scalloped potatoes, cranberry salad, rolls. Since my family didn't eat it at the party, it didn't strike them as leftovers. That night during cleanup, I sliced a bit for sandwiches, and immediately froze the rest. The slices wound up getting wrapped up in crescent rolls with cheese and baked for a casual early dinner around the Christmas tree. Those were a nice treat!
    Our New Year's Eve dinner is going to be a roast turkey breast, with all the fixings. I am planning on serving it for a late lunch. That will finish our holiday style dining for a while. I don't think I have a celebratory meal planned again until St. Patrick's Day! (Corned beef and cabbage, Guinness cake.) I realize I will have to deal with the leftovers from our roast turkey tomorrow, but our schools don't start up until the 7th. When the kids are home all day, some types of leftovers almost seem to take care of themselves! Leftover fatigue is indeed a real phenomenon, particularly with the sides, isn't it? I am the type to allow my family's complaints to fall on deaf ears, but if I am the one who has tired of the leftovers, that's a different story!

    1. I don't eat pork any more but I used to love ham salad- ham I processed in the food processor, a little mayo, mustard and pickle relish. It was always delicious on crackers too.

    2. Other than what I froze in two different meal size portions nd the ham bone, the ham is officially gone! The cheese we'll just eat as we normally would. I am happy to be moving on from holiday buffet foods.

  2. Not many leftovers here but junk food I overbought- crackers, chips and yes, I'm even counting cheese. I'm seriously contemplating donating all the cheese (unopened) and crackers (unopened too) to the homeless shelter here. I need to call and see if they can serve them- maybe NYE if I can get them there tomorrow??? I'm trying to watch my weight and have blood work scheduled too so I DON'T need the cheese and crackers. I did buy a whole chicken and I'm cooking it in the crock pot now. I'll debone and add a bag of veggies and have some soup later today. Tonight I plan to use some of my many cookbooks and recipes and come up with sme new ideas and actually make some menus again. I hope you had a good Christmas!

    1. I never did try a new recipe. DH did, but a good thing for the new year.

  3. I'm worried I didn't send enough open cheese with my mom & parents, and it will get tossed when we leave. There was a bunch tucked in a drawer that I didn't notice when I was packing food for everyone. My sister bought the majority of the cheese (she wasn't supposed to), so it wasn't incorporated into the menu. I can't have much cheese (really shouldn't have any), so it's not something I can finish. I'll do some research & figure out what I can freeze. We're doing a good job with the rest of the leftovers.

    I made a green smoothie yesterday with almond milk (trying to use it before we leave), spinach, pineapple, a banana & honey dew. I've eaten so much junk that my body is craving healthier food.

    1. My daughter bought vanilla almond work by mistake (doesn't like sweet) so brought to my house. I think it will go in some smoothies for the new year.

  4. We don't have any leftovers from Christmas as we were at my parents home. I asked my mom to give the leftovers that she usually sends home with me to my brother who is having a really tough patch right now. I did end up throwing away tons of cookies that the kids were tired of and I don't need. Last night we had friends over and I made a pasta bake and salad. I had tons of the salad as my body is screaming for veggies. I also pulled out of the freezer cheesecake from thanksgiving and cookies from a couple weeks ago as our desserts. Now I just need to figure out what to do with all the candy that we received as gifts....

    1. I have two bags of M&M's that I'll freeze for future cookies. DD3 has lots of candy, that will eventually get thrown I'm sure. I sent some home with my son. He'd never buy t for himself, so a mice treat for him.

  5. We are tired of leftovers too. TheHub got a ham from one business associate for Christmas and another from a different company for New Years. I froze most of the Christmas ham in individual meal size bags and will cook the other for our New Years Day meal. We eat a traditional Southerner's NY Day meal of
    ham, black-eyed peas, greens, and cornbread every New Years Day, That signals the end of the food orgy and it is back to keto for me.

    1. Ham seems to be the theme this year. I really missed not having turkey at all. I may make one the first weekend I am not tied up with choir.

  6. Just having 4 days off prompted me to make breakfast casserole, pizza casserole and a friend dropped of a big container of potato soup. All but 1 meals worth of the casseroles got frozen for lunches this week. One of my goals is to stop buying frozen dinners and eating a little better for work lunches.

    1. I froze a portion of chili for my lunch (easier to travel when frozen then thawed at work, and two large portions for my husband and daughter tomorrow are in the refrigerator. Not eating convenience foods is both a health and budget aver. I'll join your goal.

  7. Every time I eat a cookie I tell myself this is it after the 1st, no more for a long while, so I find myself eating many many cookies.

  8. I baked too late so didn't take cookies to as many places as normal-now I have too many left as well.

  9. I am glad to see that I am not the only one. I am going on a food and spending diet!

  10. Happy New Year to you and yours, Sam!
    We don't buy any more food at Xmas than the rest of the year and eat out on Xmas Day so no leftovers for us in fact, we're trying to empty our cupboards as we're off travelling next week so all kinds of weird food combinations are taking place! xxx


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