Thursday, February 14, 2019

Apologies-Off My blogging Game

I went back to work in the office on Monday-traffic snarls and all. We were hit with snow again Tuesday, so a lovely two hour commute in both directions. In between running dinner (PB and J and an apple)  and her orchestra dress to school as DD2 had no time to get home between choir practice and the orchestra call time, and walking pup, I was running in multiple directions. I was able to make it to the concert on time-barely, though DH got stuck at work. I sat with a friend. It was the one concert a year where the bands and orchestras play together. Considering 8 of the last 12 days of school had been cancelled, with limited rehearsals in their own groups let alone together it came together pretty well, from an audience perspective. DD2 wasn't pleased particularly with one song that she described as a train wreck. 

I was on the road early yesterday three hours  from home to a city about 75 miles NW of the Twin Cities. The worst was getting through St Paul and Minneapolis in traffic that was at a stand still in multiple places. I did a 11:00 presentation as part of a statewide training, hung out at the resource table for any questions, and got back on the road at 1:15, back at my desk by 2'30, then worked until 5;30. It has been a whirlwind of a week, and it continues. 

DH went to make a pizza Tuesday night and the oven heating element was out. Now I am without an oven until we figure out if he can do something, we get it repaired, or have to replace the entire stove. Thanks, Murphy. DD2 wanted to make pumpkin bread for her BF/friend for Valentines, but she didn't get home until 8:00 after two different choir practice's. She made the batter, sprayed the pans, and I hauled them over to DD1's house to use her oven. The kitchen is a train wreck, and I hope DH just leaves it. I'll deal with it when I get home. He can throw ravioli and sauce into the crock pot for supper or, we might go to Green Mill as I have a gift card and if we call ahead for reservations, I get an extra 100 onus pints on my account.

I have time for a 60 second shower, a cup of coffee, and to throw some lunch items in my bag and throw clothes on before the kid and I both need to be out the door. I hope DH is able to sleep in this morning-he has been shoveling non-stop between home and work for a week now. All this is to say, I know I have not responded to comments. I have done little more than glance at others blogs-and for that I feel bad. I like knowing what is going on in others world. I don't like being a back seat blogging buddy. Thanks for reading my words of apologies, and I hope to be back on my blogging game by the weekend. 


  1. Get a heating element and replace it yourselves. It's a quick and easy fix on an oven....ask me how I know. lolz

    1. We are researching options. I think DH might see this as a challenge to win. In the meantime, my crock pot is my friend.

  2. Gosh you have been having it rough haven't you. I wouldn't apologize to anybody for not responding to comments - you can't get blood out of a stone. As you know I quit because of my commute so I really do feel for you.

    1. I'm really struggling with the commute lately. I feel my hands clenched on the steering wheel as there are so many rude drivers.On days when I do not have anything until 9;30 or later, I'm going to work from home a few hours, then go in after the bulk of rush hour is done and save a little aggravation.

  3. Ebb and flow with the blogging, much like everything. No apologies needed.
    We've had rough weather too. The snow in the Seattle area has shut the region down. Our kids have been on snow days 4/5 last week, 3/4 this week. School vacation tomorrow, so I refused to send them today for one day, with Friday and Monday off. I tell myself we moved here because YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOVEL RAIN. This type of weather come around once a decade. Any more, and I'd be bound for the Sunshine State.

    1. I see pictures of green and think, "Why!!!!" If I hadn't been sick, I'd be in a better mood about the snow because I would go snow shoeing and out to the nature center s fro hikes, but being sick and now back-up is what is annoying me.

  4. You are getting kicked hard this year. Don't worry about the blog, just breathe and take it one day at a time, or one hour...

    1. Reading other blogs and writing have become a good mental release for me-I can feel the tension when I step away for too long. You are all my therapists!


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