Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Oh, Goody...More Snow

Just a couple inches, they said. Oh, goody. Perhaps just in time to mess with my travel home. I do know winter has to end, but it seems like we are not seeing a turn in temperature anytime soon to start melting what we are getting. Yes, it is still February. I worry because historically March is a very snowy month, but with days of increasing warmth so the snow starts to melt almost as it lands. I don't think that will be the case this year and we will have one of those Aprils that is melty and ugly with dirty remains of snow. I'll try and get a picture of the snow pile that lines our yard. It has to be 10 feet. The plow made a nice wall for new snow to just build up. If I wasn't so cussing sick of it, I would be fascinated and play a game as to when the pile will be totally gone. I'm going to predict May 10th at this point! 

There are things I am looking forward to. My knees may not be thanking me on Thursday but I'm subbing for my old volleyball team on Wednesday. I think I will even join them for a drink after wards. Thursday we finally got the February book club rescheduled. We read A Man Called Ove. It was part of a library book club kit. We have high school conferences immediately before book club, which while I don't enjoy the mass chaos it is nice to put a face and words to the teachers I don't know. She has College Psychology right now and loves the class, describing her teacher as a guy that likes to mess with kids in the real world sort of way. I don't know what that means, but she likes the no nonsense approach, works hard, and feels engaged. 

Saturday is my last stint chaperoning show choir. It is DD2's last local competition before the finale show on March 19th, and her national competition in Nashville. The competition Saturday is only about 45 minutes away so nice for a lot of parents, families, and the kids friends come. We like the hosting school-kind of a camaraderie has been built over the years. The kids also have a chance one more time to compete against a northern Minnesota school who they finished behind  in their second show-their only non Grand Champion this year. It will be a really good show choir day, with schools as far away as Oklahoma.

I write all this to mostly keep I my mind that life is good. It is hectic and stressful at times. I'm not getting enough good sleep and my work plate is overflowing a bit. Still, we are scrappy in this household and February will pass. 


  1. Scrappy--I like that term, and am going to shamelessly use it as my own in our circumstances. While are calendars are not as packed as yours, we've had circumstances which have required us to be be scrappers. There are some cases where the only way out is through.

    1. Did I really type "are" when I meant "our?" Yeah, winter has taken its toll on me as well, obviously!

    2. I've always used the term scrappy for when people muster up just a bt more to get through a challenge. I know it is just weather but it is taking a great toll.

  2. You are right that February will pass. I am hoping March will be a milder month for y'all. Instead of getting blizzards, we have been experiencing monsoons and it has been not terribly pleasant, except for one friend who can now launch her fishing boat in the field behind her house. She lives on a farm which backs up to a creek that feeds a lake. The field is now about 2/3 covered and is deep enough to float the boat. They literally fished in their backyard yesterday.

    1. We almost though need a slow melt because if it melt s fast, we'll deal with flooding. Extremes are never great are they>

  3. Oh my goodness, I feel so sorry for you. I keep watching the weather because of my flight from Zurich on Saturday but it is still glorious. This year is just unbelievable really. Jeans and T-shirt weather and fabulous sunshine. I know we will pay for it because it is lulling us into a false sense of "oh winter is over" and it clearly isn't. I also imagine this might mean a scorching summer for us like last year which I hate. I absolutely loved A Man Called Ove. It was just so sweet. Swedish writer I think. A bit along the lines of The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden. Not the same author but equally charming (and equally Swedish I think). Just so gentle. In fact I bought it for my daughter-in-law for Christmas 2 Christmases ago and she loved it too. Keep your chin up - I'm sure winter has got to end sometime soon. And again, stay safe!

    1. I heard France and Switzerland have had relay warm for the month weather. Enjoy it. I need to find some more books-thanks for the recommendation.

  4. it is a long winter for you and I remember those long winters. But it snowed here all day yesterday and we have about 11 inches in the back yard. I know nothing compared to you but we don't get snow remember?

    1. Snowed for several hours during the day-long commute. I woke up to several inches this morning-waiting to drive in a bit later.

  5. February is almost over! Let the warmer weather arrive....please!

    1. I don't want any heat complaints this summer!

  6. Yes, writing to keep our wits and focus on the positives is a good way to get through the tedious attrition called February.


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