Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Simple Joys as We Wait for Real Spring

     I am not fond of early spring when there are still dirty snow piles and the puddles are filled with mucky run off instead of fresh new rain. In Minnesota we don't really see sings of spring, except for ducks and birds returning, until well into April when the buds slowly start forming on the trees and grass blades poke through. I'm just not a fan, despite the weather warming. I don't know how to dress. It feels odd to be wearing true spring clothes, brighter colors and lighter fabrics when the mornings are still cold and the ground is a mix of either frozen or muck. Still, sweaters no longer feel cozy-just laborious to pull out, wash, and layout to dry. 
     Joy? Oh yes, that is what I wanted to really share. There is one unmistakable joy that comes with each spring, after daylight savings time ends. The sunrises are beautiful. The way the sun come sup on the frost, trying to get bright and brilliant has created colors that can hardly be recreated from even the largest Crayola box. I usually am on the road when the sun starts to rise, so I get a simple joy before starting my work day. It's a reminder that even in the dreary March and early April not yet prime time spring, the season is changing and soon the bleakness of the transition will be complete. 


  1. What a gorgeous picture! I hear you on early spring. I think I hated it more than winter when we lived in New England. One thing I truly miss about the Southwest is the prolonged spring. The weather was almost perfect from February until late May. Most of January was mild as well. Similar weather conditions were repeated October - December. I think the harshness of early spring is why New England and your region has such glorious don't get winter without the splendor of fall, and it certainly was splendid.
    Our springs here are typically gray, low 40's night, low 50's days. We've had some beautiful weather lately, which means I need to get in the yard and work, but with being on the final countdown with our build, I've lost enthusiasm.

  2. The picture is beautiful! We are in real live fully pollened air spring, and actually having spring like temps. Usually we just go from winter to summer with about 2 days of spring temps.


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