Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What to Do Weekend?

DD2 has been off this whole week and is getting some good down time and time with friends. Seeing all the lovely photos from Ireland, Punta Cana, Florida, and all parts not Minnesota, leaves her with a sigh! I'm just kidding-she has had her own adventures. She's going swimming and more hanging out today. She's done homework and worked ahead a bit as she will miss three school days next week for Nashville. Tomorrow all three of us go on the final college visit-the one in which she now will have ample information to make a decision. I then have a three day weekend. I'm trying to decide what might be the best use of the three days. Of course I have cleaning, laundry, packing , meals and the stuff of life t accomplish. I'n making a short list of other things to do with my daughter on her last spring break of high school, that still leaves her time with friends, and won't cut into our travel budget for next week. .

Minneapolis Institute of Art: We both love this museum, and could pick a wing or two and  dive into each piece. Did we go last summer? I can't remember-it might be a year since we last went.

The Sculpture Garden; there is one in Minneapolis but also a bit up north on the Wisconsin border that could make a nice detour to a day. The weather verdict is still out and I am not sure if I want to risk slush and soggy footwear or slick and slippery ice paths.

Indoor Farmers market: There are a few in the metro, but I've not gone to one. We could combine with a trip to a couple garden centers and do some planning for getting the yard spruced up. No one has a green thumb in my family, but we like to pretend we do.

Pick a downtown and wander: There are three small towns within a 30 minute drive that are filled with shops, antiques, art, and coffee shops. They also have walking paths near water-lakes and rivers. For the price of gas and a warm beverage, we could have an exploratory day poking into a community so close, but not our own.

Head to the Cabin Friday to Saturday; It will be quiet and calm there. We can bring a few board games, stuff to make dinner and breakfast, and just get away from home for a day. This might be the winner-combined with the previous option.

She might come up with ideas as well. I just know I have a horrible case of cabin fever, and despite our trip next week, would like to make this a respite of a weekend as well since we will be on the go.

What have you done with kids on a wintery spring break? What are your favorite kinds of day trips and activities?


  1. Heh. We deliberately moved from an area with wintery spring breaks to avoid wintery spring breaks! That said, winter doesn't even want to let its grasp go here! We used to take Caribbean vacations during spring break, but stopped some years ago...too many people with the same idea, so now we just wait until we can get to our Panhandle place. Basically, we all just enjoy down time on days off. We each have various hobbies we pursue, and the older ones are happy just to "hang out" with friends as a special treat. I don't enforce a lot of family togetherness. That said, we do love a good jigsaw puzzle, and Scrabble match!

    1. With our busy schedule and not getting to see that much, I try to get a little kid time in. Puzzle and scrabble sound great.

  2. Our spring break is next week and I think the boy will go to town with his dad and Jen and just have some down time. With any luck, Maddy might come see us!

  3. I would love to see some of those areas. I think if I ever plan a trip there I will look you up!

    1. The flooding around here has changed our options, but abundance of water aside, in late spring to late fall, there are some wonderful places to visit outside, and some good indoor options the whole year.

  4. Why does it seem anymore that many are not content to just stop and “be”. Always need something planned, places to go, etc. Most parents over schedule activities for young down time just to relax and chill and use their imaginations. I really feel bad for people who always seem to fear missing something and just keep running. ,aybe that is because I am more of an introvert. I definitely need don time and not need to. Be on the go all the time. I really enjoy your blog and what you share.

    1. I see your point. We mix down time and take advantage of times when nothing is scheduled to just be. But she has been on spring break all week and I think mixing some activities in with the down time is needed rather than a week of just hanging out.

  5. My vote would be for the cabin. I love peaceful time together with some board games, trying new recipes, having some laughs.

    1. Some schedules changed and the flooding has closed off several roads, making the drive there more challenging than we would like. We had a good day of making lunch together and dealing with her college decision (see today's post).


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