Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Little Tips

I read a lot of thrift and frugality blogs. I hope most of the tips just get absorbed into my brain and I will apply them as I go about life. It's not quite that easy though, is it? Most have put time and effort into mastering their level of thrift. Still, sometimes things stick and I have little wins. These strategies were all featured somewhere else by much smarter folks than me; I've linked where referenced. Please comment and share your own blog or links to some good ones you like related to thrifty living. 

  • I joined the Microsoft Rewards thanks to leaning about it from Belinda at Frugal Workshop. I've earned enough for my first $5.00 Target e-gift card.
  • I am not great at matching the rewards, points, and coupons like Sluggy at Rite Aid, but I clipped several brands of make up coupons and will keep filed until they expire while watching the CVS ads. No savings yet, but hoping I can score some good deals for myself and my daughters. 
  • I'm really trying to be not just thrifty with my money, but also with my footprint on the earth. I've been reading Eco Thrifty Living a lot for more ideas. I've gotten much better at having a refillable water bottle with me, resisting the temptation to buy bottled water or pop when out and about. 
  • I was in Target the other day and the clearance racks were calling my name. Yet, I've committed to no new clothes until the new year, and also to first try and reduce the use of fast fashion. I want to explore better versions of quality made clothes in the mind set of Vintage Vixen, taking time to search for not just better quality, but unique to today's time and find my own style. 
  • I'm looking for more vegetarian and vegan meals that are hearty and yummy. Two blogs that help me with ideas and motivation include Shoestring Cottage and Thrift Deluxe.
I get something out of every blog I read, even if it is only to rethink how I do things and perhaps try a better, more economical way.  I have not been bored as an empty nester-work has been slamming me. We see our girl this weekend, and will no doubt splurge a bit on some meals out and some treats to leave for her. Finding little ways to save to make weekends like this affordable are a necessity. Getting tips that work for my life from others are a gift. 


  1. Isn't it funny how the kids leave home and we still find ways to save money. I do not like fast fashion and stick to Talbots and good quality second hand, unless it is the Walmart $1.00 rack. Have great finds there and I can trash them in the garden.

    1. Don't you mean, spend money? We added another $61 in purchases this weekend for her with vitamins, a new phone case and wallet, and a 5 by 7 rug that the local Walmart had clearnaced $25. She and her room mate wanted one, but had settled for just a small rug by her room mates bed and a slightly larger one by their TV area. This will cover most of the bare floor so their room will feel more cozy once it gets cold.

  2. Wins are wins.
    I had to buy new clothes for fall/winter (thanks keto) and now that I have them the blooming temps are still in the 90's.

    1. I am going the other way weight wise-gained three more pounds since spring-have to get this in order soon, and would love that to be the reason for new to me clothes.

  3. These are a great list. I also like reading about travel hacks, as i love dreaming about the next vacation. :-)

    1. If you have some good sites to recommend, let me know. I love travel posts as well.

  4. Thank you so much for the shout out, Sam. I'm tickled that you earned your first $5 from Target. I get a card about every 3 weeks from MR. There are a couple of blogs you mentioned that I'm going to check out. I have all mine listed on the right side of my blog, it's how I check and see if they have any updates. :)

    1. I can't figure out how to rack up the points that fast. The first one I scored bonus points so it was faster. I'll check out your recommendations.


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