Sunday, October 13, 2019

Meal Planning and the Return of the Kid

It's our anniversary  celebration day so I'm not going to worry about meals at all. We still haven't decided where we want to do dinner, but have a day of poking around the river valley today, stopping at a few wineries and tiny towns that are perfect for a day trip. We will be bundled up-it got really cold the last few days and even had snow flurries, though none stuck since the ground is still fairly warm (remember 85 last Monday), and wet. DD2, who is away at school 290 mile northwest of us got a lot of snow, though it too will melt, but enough for a snowman or two popping up on campus. It was her schools homecoming and I asked if she was doing thing for it. Apparently she thought sitting through the football game was "ew" in the wet cold weather, but she went to the Homecoming Concert, parade, and other "stuff" that had food. 

She will be home Friday night for five days and I am so excited. It was originally supposed to be 9 but has to head back four days early as she is doing a volunteer stint at a camp the college runs as part of her  one major and doing the second weekend of break means she won't later miss two days of classes. I t is smart of her as her classes are mostly  discussion and working in groups, hard to make up if you miss, but we are all a bit disappointed to miss a few days of her break. She'll be home again for five days over Thanksgiving. All this leads up to me thinking about meals for the week, and beginning to think about what to have on hand when she is home. I know we have a lot scheduled-some follow-up doctor appointments for her back, a visit to her friends college just 30 minutes away, and will be grabbing meals on the go frequently. Still it can't be a spending free for all, and I think she is looking forward to some home cooking. 

Today-not cooking other than maybe some PB toast and coffee or oatmeal for DH

  • Chili-with leftovers for lunches
  • Hamburger and potato wedges
  • Mock lasagna *made with layers of penne or rotini pasta
  • Spaghetti, sauce, and garlic cheese bread
  • Wild Rice Soup-Friday for when she gets home, crunchy baguette and salad
  • Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables-Saturday night, before she heads off with friends
I'll stop on route home Thursday for items for Friday, Saturday, and for the unplanned meals the following week. Friday is my flex day, so I am essentially off work from Friday the 18th through Monday the 28th. Granted one day of that will be driving DD1 and a classmate round trip four hours each way back to school, but hey good bonding time right? That's my week ahead in food and planning. Anything new on your menu's for the week?


  1. How nice to have that time off to spend with your daughter when she comes to visit. I'm looking forward to the Thanksgiving break. Our daughter is coming the Friday before T-Day and staying 4 nights. We can't wait to see her!

    1. We get her home next week and then for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I guess college is different than once they start working and live away.

  2. It is wonderful that you will get to see your DD2 so soon after she left for College! These breaks will make it easier for all of you to get used to her being away. I am still at moms. Will be returning home on Tuesday and will be eating from my pantry with the exception of salad greens till I leave for my bucket list vacation.

    1. Funny that you say so soon, and she is the only one of her friends from town that haven't been home yet-eight weeks. I know it will be different once she is out of school and 8 weeks will seem like a short time.

    2. I guess it is obvious that I am not a parent. Lol! I did not realize it has been 8 weeks. Sorry about that!

  3. We picked a Domino's pizza on special for lunch after church. The leftovers will be dinner along with vegetables of some kind. There is enough cooked ground pork to put in a jar of pasta sauce along with spaghetti for one meal next week. Then, there is a package of some kind of poultry for a cooking bag in the oven. That is two days planned for next week, but i will think of We will get free lunch one day that will do for dinner, too. I am okay until Thursday night.

    Have fun with your daughter.

  4. So nice that you will get to see your daughter! We have a pretty standard week ahead, so tonight I'm making egg roll in a bowl & chicken curry. We'll eat the egg roll in a bowl tonight, and keep the curry for tomorrow, served over cauliflower rice. I like to have two dinners prepped going into the week, and we went out to dinner last night on a "date night", so I need to catch back up.:-)

    1. I am going to try the egg roll in a bowl. It sounds like everyone here would like it.

  5. this week I am making snickerdoodles and pumpkin spice cupcakes for the office.

    1. I have a special request for pumpkin bread-pumpkin will be on Thursdays shopping list.


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