Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thrifty Thursday-Sharing for the Ride

     Thursday and we are nearing the home stretch of the week and the month. I decided to try a Tenner Week from the Penny Golightly  blog. I modify it a bit to be $15 instead of pounds since I live in the US, and because DD2 is home on Saturday, I need to do a big grocery shop that morning, I'm cutting my week to only 6 days.. I also allow myself to put gas in the car. I've spent $10.99 so far. A few other successes are noted below in my Time, Resources, and Money sections. 


  • I did a ton of cleaning on Saturday and was very efficient and was able to get a spot for the TV created that works much better. I use the TV in the kitchen mostly for YouTube while cooking or streaming podcasts. It helped me not sit and be lazy on the comfy couch and I was quite productive. 
  • DH and I had lots of time in the car on Sunday to do family admin. Despite being gone all day, I started the week caught up at home-well sort of. 
  • The concert was well worth the drive. We got to see where our daughter will live next year, meet a couple more friends and parents, and just see her! I know she is home this week, but it was still really nice. 


  • I maximized all leftovers in the refrigerator for supper Monday night, and enough for my lunch on Tuesday.
  • I used three bananas found in the freezer for four mini loves of bread. I brought one to my neighbor for walking pup and some to DD2. 


  • I earned enough points for another $5.00 Target gift card. I think I'm up to $30 earned.
  • I took an online survey and earned a $2 Amazon credit.
  • We had lunch on Sunday using guests swipes at the college. We technically did pay already for these meals, but nice to not pay again. 

Not huge money saved or earned, but little bits that will help our leaner 2020 budget. I'm car pooling today-doubly, becasue I am picking up a collegue on route to work, and then we are suing a company can for a gorup trip to a meeting a couple hours north. I'm not saving money really, but the collective savings on resources is a good thing. How was your week? Please link or share in the comments. 


  1. Those are some great, consistent wins! We did the normal stuff (prepped meals, eating leftovers, avoiding purchases) & I sold one lonely item on eBay.

    1. Consistent=that's helping us out this winter since we have so many extra expenses. .


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