Saturday, March 28, 2020

Toilet Paper Victory


     My older daughter was in Walmart at the right time. Victory was hers! She picked me up one multi pack of store brand toilet paper and some flour. Good thing as both were gone when I shopped for produce and odds and ends fresh food later in the day. I didn't ask her if people were being greedy, I don't care to know. I'll gladly share should someone get caught short.

     I also bought a nice big drawing pad and water color paints. A co-worker forwarded pictures of some cute homemade spring crafts. Seemed a nice way to pass an hour this weekend. I had already found a small paint and canvas set and adult coloring book and pencils from old Fab, Fit,Fun boxes for lots of colorful additions to activities.
     Just to clarify some of my posts, when I've shared having down moments, or the experience of my family, I'm not just thinking the stay at home piece. It's the "why" behind the Executive Orders and the seemingly impossible at times resolution. Having basics in my house, cleaning supplies, art materials, and yes, TP feels like a piece of fighting the darn virus and the crazy repercussions..


  1. It's a strange old world when getting tp becomes such a joyous moment isn't, but congratulations! Making the world happier one sheet (I repeat "sheet") at a time!

    1. I guess it means a little more normalcy, and a little sign that this will pass, and our world with be healed.

  2. Getting tp is a victory. I walked by a newly opened pallet of tp and was thrilled with my six rolls. Then, I found 16 at home. Now, 2 more rolls! I suppose we will have ecstatic moments over these little things.

    1. I would have very much liked it sleep in, but I'm at the call center, and so far, not overly busy. I even got a bit more work work done while here, so not weighing on my for Monday.

  3. I had to mail a box of tp to my eldest yesterday along with a face mask I made him for when he has to go out again to the store.

    My kids won't be laughing at me and my stockpile ever again, will they? lolz

  4. Woohoo for TP! And, good luck with your call center shift as well.

    1. It went ok. Mostly clarity on what is essential and what stay at home means.

  5. The *why* bothers me a great deal. Remember, we are in the cradle of the outbreak here in the Puget Sound. Perhaps, well, actually, I know that is why I am losing patience rapidly with people who are seeing the act of staying home as a hardship. But, if anything, perhaps when this over and done, (and it WILL be over and done) maybe parents will understand just how important it is to keep their kids home when they are sick. That "just a cold" you sent your snot nosed kid to school with might be "just a cold" for him, but could have devastating effects on his table mate's family.
    On an aside: Alan Rickman played one heck of a Tybalt.

    1. Yes! The martyr mentality at school and work needs to go.

  6. Score! TP and flour? We take whatever victories we get these days

    1. Tomorrow will be both cookies and apple crisp. Plus, we've developed better conservative practices with tp use. No more spining it around the hand.

  7. Congratulations on the TP score. You know I'm finding it best not to worry about why others might be hoarding or the choices they are making because all I can control is my own behaviour. You will get through this.

    1. We will all get through, this. I'm just hoping soon.

  8. I am hoping to score some TP this week sometime. We are not desperate yet, but I had rather find it before that is the case. We went to the lake today and I brought all the food from there home. I had much more there than I remembered, and additionally, a couple of pounds of sugar and about 4 pounds of flour, plus a large unopened pack of frozen yeast.

    1. The yeast was a good find. We like biscuits and can make due without yeast if bread became difficult to buy or make. So far no issues.

  9. Woo Hoo, so glad you were able to get some TP. We've not had any luck on that front yet, although we've tried. We will make do if need be.

    1. I'm happy to not to have resorted to tissues, though with the two rolls I found the other day in the cupboard, we'd have been able to stretch a while longer. The thought of carrying that out daily=no thanks. Good luck with your search.


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